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I was right.

The next time I saw Quinn was the following Friday, where Jin had invited everyone to our place for a movie night. And with J-Hope came Quinn, dressed almost exactly as she was Monday; sweats, a snapback, and a different shirt. I wonder if that was all she ever wore.

"Hey Quinn," Jin says, and she smiles in return.

"I stole some popcorn from our cabinet, since my roommate buys the really good kind," she says, holding up two packages. There are small cheers, and Jin took the packages to go pop them.

"You guys pick a movie," Jin yells from the kitchen, and several pops followed. We poured over the various movies that we had as a selection, the majority of the group selecting a horror movie.

((i always put those in my stories lol))

Since I hated horror movies, I planned to sleep through the whole thing. Unfortunately, the couch that I was on had no more room to recline, and I didn't have my neck pillow. Therefore I was forced to stay awake.

Jin came back with the two packages of freshly popped popcorn, and the movie began.

It was around 1/3 of the movie where the really scary shit started to happen. But was I scared? No, I had too much swag for that, right?

The lights were flickering. Too much swag.

It went dark, and there was a scream in the distance. Too much swag.

The screen flashed brightly with the face of the demon that's been possessing everyone. Not enough swag.

I let out a small scream and crawl into the lap of the closest person. Swag was not important right now. I hold on tightly to the neck of the person.

Hands lift me up and I freak out a bit. "Wait, wait, wait," I exclaim quickly.

"Chill out, I'm just trying to shift your weight," the person says, chuckling a little. I then realize that it's a feminine voice. I mentally face palm, and close my eyes for a moment. Well, that would explain the rather squishy chest.

The movie goes on, continuing to make me jump and scream a little. My swag points were probably in the negatives right now, but I was honestly too scared to care. Right now, all I could think about were the ways that I could prevent getting possessed.

Finally, it ends, and someone turns on the lights. I look around the living room at the other guys. Junkook was holding his knees, Jimin rubbing his back. Rap Monster was stretching, Jin taking the empty popcorn bags to the trash. V looked normal, actually, and J-Hope was passed out on the spot.

Something tickled the back of my neck, and I instantly swatted with my hand.

"Sorry, that was just my hair," Quinn apologizes. "I'm going to get a drink from the kitchen. Would you like me to carry you?" she asks, and I shrug. Her phone rings before we can get off of the couch, though.

Her ringtone, however, is what caught my attention.

"Hello?" Quinn answers, putting the phone to her ear.

"Where are you?" I can make out faintly on the other side of the receiver.

"I'm at Hoseok's friend's place, we were watching a movie. I told you that before I left," Quinn responds. There's more talking on the other side of the phone, and Quinn rolls her eyes. "You can have your rom com marathon without me, because I don't know when I'll be home. My ride is passed out on the couch next to me."

I look over at J-Hope, sleeping soundly with his head on V's shoulder. He snores lightly.

Quinn hangs up her phone and sighs, placing it back on the table. "I like your ringtone," I comment, and she looks at me. "Mix Final, right?"

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites," she says, and I feel proud. "Are you a fan of Min Yoongi?"

A smirk spreads on my face before I answer. "Quinn, I am Min Yoongi."


And that's how Quinn and I officially became friends.

I usually don't consider people friends this fast, but since J-Hope had no intention of waking anytime soon, we ended up having a long conversation. It was mainly about music, mine in particular.

I'll have to say, I was fairly impressed by her knowledge of music and her point of view on it.

"How do you know so much about music?" I ask. V, Rap Monster, Jimin, and Jungkook had already left. Jin was in his room, so it was just Quinn and I with a sleeping J-Hope.

"I really want to be a music video director. I know, it sounds kind of weird. But music and cinematography are my life. So, by understanding different styles and genres of music, I feel like it'd be easier to connect with that specific artist," Quinn explains, but I kind of tune out a bit.

Music video director? That was kind off an odd career to pursue. But, we needed them, I guess.

"Interesting," I reply, but then I realize she was right in the middle of a sentence.

"Ah, yeah." She looks over at J-Hope, who was still knocked out. "It's late, you should probably get some sleep. It was nice talking to you," Quinn suggests, and I shrug.

"Yeah, okay. Goodnight." I stand up from my spot and stretch a little. It was maybe around one in the morning. I watch Quinn wiggle her way next J-Hope, and he almost instantly puts his arm around her, as if on instinct. Maybe like he used to do. And she places a small kiss on his forehead. Maybe like she used to do.

Becoming uninterested, I head upstairs into my room.

I'm almost 100% sure they still had feelings for each other, no matter what they say. But that wasn't my business.

I mean, it's not like I cared, right?

tbh i really like writing in suga's point of view. it's more fun.
that was just random idk
but do you guys like the new cover? i hope you do
aNyway, this update was sooner than i thought

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