three + catching up

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After we all said our goodbyes, we all headed separate ways. Hoseok followed me in his car, since we still had so much to catch up on.

It was about a five minute drive from the studio back to my apartment, so it wasn't long before we were both out of our cars again.

"Honey, I'm home!" I exclaim, walking into the apartment. Hoseok chuckles behind me, and my roommate walks out of the kitchen, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, who are you?" she asks, batting her eye lashes. Hoseok scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm Hoseok," he says, and smiles. "It's nice to meet you." He gives a small bow.

"I'm Nari," she says, and smiles back. "Are you Quinn's boyfriend?" I groaned internally, and we both shook our heads.

Nari was drop dead gorgeous, and belonged to a wealthy family. She was a bit snobby, though, with a condescending personality, and a total flirt who sometimes didn't understand boundaries. But she was a good friend.

"Ex," I say, and she gives me a confused look.

"And best friend," he adds. Nari nods, and we head into my room. Hoseok makes himself comfortable on my bed, and I take a seat in my swivel chair.

We talk about random things, make corny jokes, and just laugh. It gets quiet though, our smiles slowly fading into normal expressions.

"I thought you hated me," Hoseok says suddenly. I stop spinning in my swivel chair. "I-I thought I'd done something wrong, and that you hated me for it. Because you were
just gone, you know? Like you had just disappeared." His smile was completely gone, and he sat up in bed. His face looked so hurt, and I got up and sat next to him.

"No, no, no, Hoseok. It wasn't you at all." I grab his hand. "The student exchange program is why I left for the States, remember?" He nods.

"Of course I do. We texted while you waited, because you got there way too early by mistake." The corner of his lips tug upwards for a second. "Do you remember the last text I sent you?"

I think back. "Yeah, wasn't it something like 'don't overdose on packaged peanuts'?" He shook his head.

"No, the last text." I was confused. "The last text I sent you was 'have a safe trip, noona. i love you.'" My heart dropped. "So when you never answered, I thought I did something wrong, and that's why you were ignoring me. I could never figure out what I did, though."

"That's because you did nothing wrong," I say. "I didn't even know you replied, Hoseok. I turned off my phone and boarded the plane after I sent that last text."

"And you never turned it back on?" He gives me an incredulous look.

"I mean I would've, if it hadn't shattered into a million pieces." Hoseok looks at me, confused. "You know that little gap that you kinda have to step over to get onto the plane? It you look down, you can see right to the ground below." He nods. "Well, my first memory in America was dropping my phone, and it fell exactly down that gap."

"Oh," he says.

"And I didn't have enough money for a new phone at the time, so it took me about the entire 6 months I was there to get a job and save up for one. I ended up only remembering my mother's number, and she didn't know yours, or anyone else's."

He frowns, looking a little guilty. "I'm sorry, Quinn. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions."

"No, Hoseok. Don't apologize at all. C'mere." I pull him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry. Sorry for putting you through all of that. Do you forgive me?" I can feel him nodding into my shoulder, and I smile.

After that, the conversations return to their light, fun feeling. I was glad that Hoseok had only brought up the situation when we were alone, instead of at lunch.

I felt so guilty. He had told me he loved me, and I never responded. Of course it was completely mutual and friendly. I did love Hoseok, but as a brother. Still, the lack of answering would make it seem like I didn't feel the same way, or no longer wanted to be his friend.

"Hey, are you even listening?" Hoseok's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking," I explain. His smile turns a little devious.

"About what? My friends?" he asks. "You know, I think you and Jimin would bs cute. Even though he's all over Jungkook all the time, he'd be completely loyal--"

"No, I wasn't. Stop." I hit his arm, and he laughs.

"Okay, okay, but what about Rap Monster? He's tall, handsome, and has an IQ of 149, you know. He's the sexy brain guy." Hoseok raises his eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Hoseok, I swear." He laughs, and pokes my cheek. "Speaking of Rap Monster, though, do you guys do music as well as dance?" I ask. For a dance group, Rap Monster doesn't seem like a fitting name.

"We do it as kind of a sideline thing. Jin hyung, Jungkook, Jimin, and V are all vocal, where as Rap Monster, Suga hyung, and yours truly are rappers. Suga hyung takes care of the music side of BTS," he explains. I nod.

"You rap, huh? I'd like to hear that," I say, and he smiles.

"I'll show you one day." I nod, and run my hand through his hair, like I'd always do. He'd changed the style since I'd last seen him.

"You know, I'm really liking this new hair style," I say. "I mean I liked your hair up, but the parting is nice." He chuckles, and gently pushes my hand away, fixing his hair.

"Oh! You know what I haven't heard in forever?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Your hometown's accent. Remember how I was obsessed with that?" He laughs and nods his head.

"Yeah, I remember quite vividly. I'll keep talking with it for the rest of the time I'm here," Hoseok says.

We talk until nightfall. There's never a break in the conversation, since we have so much to talk about. We tell about our unsuccessful relationships, wild stories, and make fun of each other.

"Bye, Hoseok. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I say. We're both standing in the doorway. He nods, and we hug quickly before he leaves.

Man, was it great to have him back in my life.

wow quinn you're boring af
sorree people for the lame chapter
now i think i've gotten all the backstory out of the way.

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