❤︎✧25✧❤︎ End

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It took Clint a few months to save up for an air ticket to New Zealand. He had moved out of his house and into the school's dormitory where the rent was much cheaper. He refused to let Tony pay for his travel expenses although Tony had gladly offered. He had to do this by himself - for Natasha.

Clint had also cleared the misunderstanding with Laura and they remained friends, no bad feelings.

Then his friends saw him off at the airport as he embarked on his journey to find Natasha, he had to get an answer.

The first few weeks in Auckland had been futile. Clint had made a trip to the Auckland City Hospital and asked about Natasha but it seemed that her parents had wanted her information to be kept confidential so he didn't get any clue about what had happened to her.

He had tried calling Natasha, but it seemed she had changed her number.

Then he strolled around the city, fingers crossed that he would accidentally run into her. Rain or shine he didn't give up. It was a like finding a needle in a haystack, possibly a wild goose chase, but he couldn't leave out any possibilities or take any chances.

He walked through residential estates, rows and rows of private bungalows, hoping to see a redhead by the garden, staring out the window, or strolling in the park.

Sometimes he mistook someone with red hair for Natasha. He would run up to them excitedly but retreat with disappointment. Thinking back, their hair was never as lustrous or smooth as Natasha's.

He wandered around the business district, in hope of finding a company Natasha's father owned, then he could ask him about her.

He ambled lazily along the high end shopping districts. Maybe Mrs Romanoff was shopping around, or hanging out at some ladies club. Like I said, he couldn't miss out anything.

It was nearly a month of endless, aimless wandering like a vagabond.

Had Clint thought about giving up? He sure did, occasionally, when the rain pelted too hard or when the sun shone too relentlessly. When the nights grew too cold or the when the mornings were too sultry.

But then again it was just the weather.

His love for Natasha overpowers all. Like an oasis in a desert, it keeps tired and thirsty travelers going, just as it fuels his hope, determination and strength.

One rainy morning, Clint sauntered along the empty pathway. People were mostly at work or huddling in small cafes to escape the rain. He walked alone in a hoodie, not hindered by the heavy downpour or his sodden clothes. He continued on his usual routine of wandering and hoping for an accidental meeting.

The raindrops seeking refuge on his eyelashes blurred his vision and almost led him to think he was still walking along an empty pathway.

But a flash of red and yellow caught his eye.

He wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. His eyes grew large.

In front of him, a girl with familiar shining red hair, wearing a white coat and brown boots and holding a yellow umbrella was walking away from him.

"Natasha!" He shouted.

The girl stopped in her tracks.

She didn't turned around. But Clint continued towards her, almost breaking into a sprint along the slippery pathway.

His hands landed on her shoulders, and he felt her turn towards him, her eyes encircled by a ring of tears.

That was his Natasha.

He smiled, eyes shaping into thin crescents as he cupped her cheeks with his wet hands. Was he dreaming?

The crystals adorning the arrow pendants on her neck and wrist sparkled when struck by stray rays of sunlight filtering through the gloomy clouds.

She moved the umbrella a little towards him, and the tears continued to flow. Was she dreaming?

"Natasha, I'm so sorry. My letter got lost in the mail. I never wanted to leave you, I've never given up on you and I love you so much." He pressed his forehead to hers and heard a strangled sob escape her lips.

"Don't cry, my Love. I loved you then, I love you still. Always have, always will." He whispered softly while brushing her tears aside with his thumbs, it pained him to see her cry.

And she flung the yellow umbrella to the road by the sidewalk and threw her arms around him, embracing him tightly, crying tears of joy into his chest.

He enveloped her completely in his arms and kissed her hair, now slowly being soaked by the rain.

The world was a blur, the rhythm of the rain a soothing melody. They didn't care about getting wet. This moment was theirs.

Then they pulled away and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss that lasted for a small infinity, his fingers tangled in her wet locks while hers combed through his dripping strands, treasuring the sacred connection.

He pulled away once to give her a confirmation.

"I've always been waiting for you."

Thanks for reading! Do vote and comment! Stay awesome xx

I almost cried writing this chapter. Clint just loves Natasha so much.

The end for this book but it's just the beginning of a new life ahead of Natasha and Clint.

Check out the sequel {I'll stay with you} on my works!

I'll wait for you (Clintasha)✔️Where stories live. Discover now