❤︎✧22✧❤︎ Don't tell him

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"You think they're really together?" Tony probed.

"Well, Laura did mention it on Facebook for the world to see." Pepper shrugged.

Bucky sat quietly with his fists clenched, his eyes an angry glint.

"They do make quite a cute couple." Jane added casually.

"How can he do that to Natasha?" Bucky burst out like a dormant volcano suddenly exploding.

The others turned to look at him, shocked at his reaction.

"Natasha is lying in New Zealand all vulnerable and waiting for him, and here he is breaking her heart." Bucky added coldly, his anger towards Clint brewing. He shrunk back into his seat after saying his piece of mind, eyes resuming the hooded look.

No one had actually acknowledged Clint and Natasha's relationship in the past, it was something that just was.

The others remained silent until Clint and Laura approached the table, each carrying a tray of food.

"Where did you guys go?" Maria asked.

"We just went to print some notes in the library." Laura replied sweetly.

Bucky rolled his eyes in disgust and left the table, leaving Clint and Laura a bit surprised.

"Don't mind him, bad mood." Steve said and invited them to sit down.

The others studied Clint and Laura carefully while they ate. They didn't seem like they were in a romantic relationship, each minded their own business and Clint didn't even look towards Laura once although she did steal some glances at him. But they had been spending a whole lot of time together lately.

Pepper, Maria and Tony shot each other glances and unanimously shrugged. It was complicated and neither of them wanted to get involved, especially with Bucky being all worked up over it.


"Your father told you, didn't he?" Mrs Romanoff asked while pouring a cup of water for Natasha.

"Yeah, he did. Can I request something before I go for the operation next week?" Natasha replied.

"Sure, honey, what is it?"

"I want to go to Disneyland."

There was an uncomfortable silence. Mother and daughter had discussed this before and it had erupted into an argument that made both of them not speak to each other for 2 days.

"Please...I might not have the chance anymore..."

Mrs Romanoff shot Natasha a sympathetic glance, eyes encircled by brief tears. It was what she feared Natasha would say, that they would lose her. She forced a smile and nodded.

Natasha offered a grateful smile and proceeded to call Steve, who had promised would take her there (she heard him when she was in a coma).

Steve had his backpack slung over one shoulder and was just leaving the school with Bucky when he received a call.

He stared at the caller ID in shock.


Bucky immediately spun round and looked at the screen wide-eyed.

They shot each other a glance before Steve answered the call, eyes still on each other. Bucky stood impatiently on the spot, his heart on the brink of excitement.

"Hello, Natasha is that really you?"

"Hello Steve, yes it is me." Natasha's melodious and deeply-missed voice entered Steve's ears and he smiled at Bucky.

Bucky found himself grinning from ear to ear while Steve continued to talk to Natasha.

"So when did you wake up?"

"A few days ago."

"Why didn't you call Clint or any of us?"

"Erm...I figured you all would be busy."

"Well, I'm honored to be the first one you want to speak to." Steve chuckled and heard Natasha giggle on the other end of the line.

"About your promise..."

"Oh don't worry I've not forgotten about it, I've just been waiting for you to get well."

"I don't know if I'll be getting well, my operation is next week and the chances of me coming out alive aren't exactly high, let alone well. So I want to visit this land where you said dreams come true before...you know, just in case I don't get the chance in future."

Steve fell silent and his face grew solemn, creased with worry and eyebrows furrowed.

Bucky noticed and opened his mouth to ask but was cut short when Steve replied to Natasha.

"Sure, I won't let you down again. How about this weekend? We'll make our way to California and spend the day there."

Steve could almost hear Natasha smile on the other end before she broke into a squeal.

"Thank you! I can't wait!"

"Would you like to ask Clint along?"

There was a short silence before Natasha answered in a less excited tone.

"No, it's fine. I think he's busy. Oh and Steve? Don't tell him I've woken up."

Steve wanted to probe and ask what was wrong, did she know about Clint and Laura? But decided against it for he respected her decision.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't tell him. Oh and Bucky would gladly come along." Steve said with a smirk and Bucky looked up at him surprised.

After ending the call, Steve put an arm round Bucky's shoulder and smirked yet again.

"I just got you a date at Disneyland, buddy. Thing is, I'll be there playing gooseberry, sorry about that."

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