❤︎✧10✧❤︎ Shadow of emotion

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Clint paced the hallway of the hospital.

His heart ached to see Natasha in pain and so weak.

Natasha's parents were already speaking to the doctor about her condition.

Bucky and Maria made their way to the wards, only to find Clint staring out of the window in a daze.

"Hey buddy, she'll be okay." Bucky tried to comfort him, patting him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, she's strong." Maria added.

The silence resumed. No comforting words could lift their spirits, it was a fact thrown directly at them that Natasha's condition would only worsen as the days went by.

The door to the ward opened and Natasha's parents walked out. Mrs Romanoff smiled sadly at the three friends before heading to the doctor's office with Mr Romanoff holding her by the shoulder.

Clint pushed open the door and peered inside. Natasha's fragile body lay on the bed, an oxygen mask to her face. Her eyes were tired. She was tired.

He approached the bed and Natasha felt one side of the bed dip down as Clint sat down and held her hand.

Natasha turned her tired eyes to Clint's. The once vibrant and sparkling emerald green had now became a faded pale one. The lustre and energy were gone. She saw the concern in a swirling mix in Clint's gray eyes.

"I'm sorry..." It was a weak, hoarse whisper through the oxygen mask.

Clint felt the urge to cry, he didn't know why but his eyes started to swell up with tears.

"You don't have to be. None of this is your fault. You don't deserve this at all." Clint's voice came out as a strangled cry.

A tear slid down Natasha's cheek and trickled down the edge of the oxygen mask to her chin. She wouldn't be able to complete her gift for Clint and present it to him. Regret.

Clint dabbed her cheek dry with the pad of his thumb as Natasha's eyes began to droop.

Bucky and Maria felt their eyes began to water too as they watched the sorrowful scene before them.

They both left soon after while Clint stayed behind and watched Natasha rest. Her face looked especially pale in the afternoon light that filtered through the cream-coloured curtains. Her breathing was slow and shallow. She seemed peaceful, but a sorrowful kind.

Clint had no idea how long he had stayed and was only jolted out of his thoughts when Natasha's parents came in.

He stood up to leave after greeting them.

Mrs Romanoff smiled back subtly in response and put a hand on Clint's shoulder.

"We're taking Natasha to New Zealand where she can receive better treatment. We might just settle down there."

Clint's eyes grew a tad bit wider. He put on a smile and nodded before exiting the ward.

Once outside, his heart churned with a mix of emotions. If they were just going to migrate to New Zealand, he might not see Natasha again. The thought of not being able to see Natasha again made his heart sink, seemingly drowning with regret. But on the other hand, he was happy that Natasha would have a chance of getting better and not have to suffer like this anymore. He didn't know if he should be glad, he didn't know what to feel.

And so Clint trudged home, hands jammed into his pants pockets, head bowed, hiding his emotions in his shadow along the pathway.

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