❤︎✧16✧❤︎ Please wake up

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"About a week ago, Natasha fainted at home and since then, she has been in a coma..."

Clint could feel his sight becoming blurry as he spoke with Natasha's parents.

He glanced towards the bed occasionally to see the fragile girl with her life hanging by a thread, only protected by the thin covering of silk blanket. The redness of her hair had lost its lustre and vibrancy, they lay broken and crestfallen by her face and shoulders. Her lips, once strawberry pink and smooth, had now been reduced to parched and colorless earth. And her eyes, magical emerald orbs, now hidden from the world. It pained him, and his heart felt like it had shattered together with her.

Steve and Maria were in the room with him while the rest waited quietly outside. They stood silently behind Clint and listened in solemnity.

The doctor entered the room and the atmosphere became tense.

"About the heart transplant..."

"We cannot perform the operation with the patient under comatose condition. Many complications might arise." The doctor replied matter-of-factly, with no sympathy whatsoever in his tone.

He went over to Natasha, checked some of her vitals, penned something down on a clipboard, and left. 

Mrs Romanoff looked down, a little devastated, and Mr Romanoff guided her out of the room.

Clint went forward to the bed. He sat on one side and held Natasha's hand where the IV was just like back in New York. Only this time, she didn't feel the bed dip down, and she couldn't apologise.

"Tasha, I said I would come find you and we would see each other again. I waited for you, but why didn't you? Please wake up." Clint brought Natasha's hand up to his cheek and held it there. He yearned for the warmth from her, but all he felt was coldness. The only thing warm were the tears that stained his cheeks and dripped onto her fingers.

Steve stepped forward to the bed and placed a hand on Clint's shoulder. Clint gently returned Natasha's hand to beside her body on the bed and stood up to let Steve talk to her, if he wanted to.

Steve mumbled a silent thank you to Clint and sat down at the same spot on the bed.

"Natasha, I'm sorry I was so busy with my basketball training that I forgot about my promise to you. I promise again that I'll take you to Disneyland when you get better. I won't forget this time. I don't want to regret. Please wake up."

Natasha lay as still as before. The only movements were the gentle rising and falling of her chest.

Natasha's friends hung around her room for the rest of the day. Clint stayed the night while the rest returned to the hotel.

Clint talked to Natasha till the wee hours of the morning. He recounted their memories, and lost himself in the reminiscence of the beautiful days and experiences they shared.

He told her he liked her ever since they met at elementary school and became best friends.

He told her how his life was made better with her around. The study dates they had at the library, walks in the park sometimes...all the way till highschool. The homecoming celebration, watching the sunset, and even the simple act of her taking care of him when he was ill, he treasured more than anything and had chronicled them in his diary.

"Please wake up. So we can make more memories and fill up my diary-" he stopped and smiled, "our diary."

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I'll wait for you (Clintasha)✔️Where stories live. Discover now