❤︎✧20✧❤︎ Seventh heaven

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Her finger twitched.

The doctor did a thorough check and nodded at her parents who stood anxiously by the side of the bed.

Mrs Romanoff smiled like never before, bringing her hands up to her face to cover her mouth. Her eyes smiled just as much as they had cried over the past 7 months. Mr Romanoff beamed back at her and captured her in an embrace.

Their beloved daughter was finally showing signs of waking up.


Two days later, Natasha was fully awake and able to sit up on the bed. She was cheerful and looking forward to catch up on all she had missed in the 7 months she had been dead to the world.

She vaguely remembered hearing Clint speaking to her. Just thinking about him got her all excited, she couldn't wait to see him. She didn't even feel guilty that her parents weren't the first people on her mind, but Clint - it seemed she hadn't seen him in forever.

Mrs Romanoff strolled into the room smiling warmly at Natasha and poured her a glass of water from the jug by the bedside.

"I feel like I've forgotten how water tasted like." Natasha exclaimed as she took the glass from her mother and took enormous gulps.

Mrs Romanoff opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the pile of letters, plonking them down on the table.

"Clint wrote you these, honey."

Natasha's eyes lit up like a firefly in the night.

As she began to open the first envelope, Mrs Romanoff handed her a blue velvet box.

"Clint sent this too."

Natasha set the letter aside and gingerly lifted the lid. A smile as warm and bright as sunshine emerged from her lips.

"Look mom, it matches the necklace he gave me years ago! Clint's so sweet."

Mrs Romanoff smiled and nodded affectionately.

As she read letter by letter, Natasha was elevated from cloud to cloud till she reached number 9.

Her smiles had never been so genuine and natural as they were now. Her eyes danced with Clint's writing on the faint vanilla scented paper as her heart palpitated and ballooned with a fountain of gladness.

He loved her. He really did. She was sure.

However, she did notice that the weekly letters stopped coming a few weeks before. Perhaps Clint was busy with his studies. Perhaps his job didn't allow him any time. Her mind, clouded by sheer joy and unwavering trust, generated the silliest of reasons, perhaps he simply ran out of paper.

Natasha's contented and love-ignited heart made no space for doubts or suspicions. She pushed the boding presence of an unwelcome thought to the back of her mind - had he forgotten about her?

Natasha decided to check the time in New York to see if it was convenient for her to call Clint.

It was 6 in the evening back in New York which meant that Clint was at work (that is if he still had the job after 7 months), so Natasha decided to call him a little later, maybe after his work when he got home.

7 months. Besides missing Clint, Natasha also missed all her good friends. She wanted to find out what had happened or is currently happening at school so she logged on to the Facebook app on her phone.

There she was, scrolling and smiling to herself at all the photos uploaded, Tony and Bruce the science bros, Steve and Bucky whispering to each other, unaware that their photo was being taken. And afterwards an angry Steve raising a fist at the camera. Then there was one with Pepper, Maria and Bruce on a picnic mat posing with peace signs. Bruce looked forced but smiled anyway. Jane and Thor looked like very much like the perfect couple in another photo.

Clint wasn't an active person on social media due to his work, so she naturally didn't see much of him except in some photos.

Then there were Darcy's weird daily statuses, some were about Bucky.

Red Cheeks was trying to catch the ball during gym today. The ball seemed to be getting closer, then it hit him. Now he's Red Nose as well.

Hate math lesson. Who the heck's gonna have to expand an expression to the power of illogical numbers in real life? Like 'you can't enter the cinema unless you expand (x+56) to the power of 82'?

Her friends were a bunch of really fun and interesting people with very different personalities. Some a tad bit arrogant, some extra intelligent, some a little more introverted, some extremely loud, and some kind to a fault. But that was what she loved about all of them. She wouldn't have them any other way.

She scrolled down a little more to look at some more photos and stuff her friends shared, her heart fluttering on the edge of longing to be with her friends, of closing the gap, of not just connecting with them from behind a screen.

Then her heart stopped for a moment as she came across a very unique status on her feed.

Laura Jones is in a relationship with Clint Barton

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Let me just be cruel and leave this hanging here for a while.

*smiles apologetically*

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