❤︎✧19✧❤︎ Facing the truth

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Clint and Laura has been spending a lot of time studying together lately. She had specially baked cookies to add flavour to their mundane study routines, and Clint loved them.

Clint had also joined the newly formed archery club. Although he was busy, he didn't want to sacrifice the one thing he found passion in. He would attend practice and leave an hour earlier to rush to work. The instructor didn't have an issue with that seeing how Clint was his star student and never actually missed the target.

One Sunday, Tony decided to organize a picnic in the park as a day to take a break from studying, although it was questionable whether he even flipped through a textbook. But that wasn't the point, he wanted his friends to chill out a little, seeing how some of them were stressed out, one of whom being Clint.

The weather was good that day, the sun wasn't too scorching and there was a gentle breeze that lingered in the crisp air.

The friends had set up a few picnic mats on the fresh green grass shaded by a tree. They laid out all the fruits and snacks they had brought. Bruce decided to read a book so he stayed at the mats with Pepper and Maria who wanted to read magazines and fangirl about celebrities.

Tony, Steve, Thor, Darcy and Jane decided to play frisbee and so they pranced around the field letting the red disc glide through the air.

Bucky had chosen to take a stroll by himself while listening to his iPod. He felt that allowed him to relax.

So we're left with Laura and Clint, who decided to get some ice-cream. In front of the pastel pink and blue ice-cream cart stood a cheerful round man ringing a bell. They approached him and he grinned.

"Ah, what would the cute couple like?"

Laura blushed and asked for a mint cone. Clint got a caramel one. He proceeded to pay for them but Laura stopped him. She pushed his hand away and paid instead.

After they walked away, Clint looked at Laura a little puzzled.

"I know that money's hard earned, so you should keep it. Take it as a treat from the friend you always help with for studies." Laura smiled.

"You always treat me to cookies already." Clint smiled, one of gratitude.

"That's okay, I'm always bothering you. Cookies aren't enough to pay for all the trouble I've caused you." Laura smirked.

"Nah, it wasn't any trouble." Clint replied and they both laughed.

They walked on savouring their milky treat and chanced upon the bike rental shop.

"Wanna ride a bike?" Clint suggested.

"I don't know how." Laura replied, a little embarrassed.

"You can sit at the back while I ride." Clint said, finishing off the last of the wafer cone.

Laura smiled and nodded. So they rented a green bike, this time Clint insisted on paying and Laura agreed after much persuasion.

Laura sat with her legs dangling by the side and held on to Clint while he rode. The breeze combed through her wavy hair and she rested her head on Clint's back.

It was great and comforting for both of them and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

After about an hour, they stopped by a pavilion to rest.

"So, about the school dance, I heard some people are starting to asks their ideal dates. Have you decided who you want to take?"

Clint froze. After all the time he had spent with Laura, he had almost forgotten about Natasha. A pang of guilt swept over him. He suddenly remembered about what he wrote in his letter to her the other time, about taking her to the school dance.


"Isn't she in a coma in New Zealand?"

Clint turned towards her and looked questioningly at her.

"Jane told me."

The once warm feelings between them faded to cold and distant.

Laura hesitated, as if pondering whether she should say it.

"You know she's probably not going to wake up anytime soon. Are you just going to waste your whole life away waiting for someone that isn't worth waiting for?"

"She's worth it." Clint said coldly, firmly, although that little hope within him had been quietly dwindling as the months went by and he didn't receive a reply from Natasha after all the letters he had written to her. He wanted to seem sure of what he said, but Laura seemed to notice his uncertainty and doubt.

"I know it's hard, Clint. I acknowledge the relationship you share with her, but why don't you give others a chance, give me a chance? But most importantly, why don't you give yourself a chance?"

Clint looked away. He couldn't bring himself to face the truth he had always been hiding from. Now Laura had said it straight in his face that Natasha probably won't ever wake up. It had already been half a year and she didn't even stir from her sleep once.

He didn't know how to answer Laura, how her words held so much truth, he didn't want to admit.

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What would Clint's choice be? To be with Laura? Or wait for Natasha? Stay tuned to find out!

No hate on Laura please! This is just a test to Clint and Natasha's relationship, an obstacle they must face. This adds tension to the story and I think that's good in a way. Warning that the next few chapters might be heartbreaking but I can promise it won't be all disappointment and heartache till the end.

I'll wait for you (Clintasha)✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ