❤︎✧8✧❤︎ Beach Day

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"Hey why don't we have an outing this weekend to the beach!" Darcy suggested.

"Yeah, we haven't had a group outing in ages." Pepper agreed.

Everyone gave unanimous consent, except for Steve and Thor who had basketball training during the weekend.

Natasha was determined to persuade her parents to let her go for the outing this time.


"You'll be over-exerting yourself."

"You're over-reacting. I'm not going bungee jumping."

"Your condition will get worse."

"I don't need you to tell me that!" Natasha yelled, tears creeping to the edges of her eyes, threatening to fall.

"It won't make a difference to my condition whether I go or not." She muttered under her breath before making her way back to her room, leaving her mother standing silently in the middle of the living room with tears encircling her green orbs.

Natasha slammed the door and dived into her bed. She was tired of always being banned from going everywhere, it was not as if her condition would improve just by staying in bed all day. She had had to lie about her date with Bucky the other time too, saying she was going to the library.

Her eyes were wet, with tears of indignation. Why couldn't she be normal like everyone else?

Just then, her phone that was on the bed vibrated.

She sat up to take a look and saw that it was a text from Clint.

Hey Nat, did you manage to convince your parents to let you go for our outing?

My mom wasn't very agreeable but I don't care. I'm going.

Don't worry Nat, tell your mom I'll take care of you :)


Natasha subconsciously smiled, and hugged her favourite teddy bear that she had decided to name Jeremy, so in short it was Jer Bear.


Saturday soon came, with the sun shining ever so brightly in the azure blue sky, the perfect weather for a day at the beach.

"Be careful, honey." Mrs Romanoff stood at the front lawn as Natasha started towards the car. Her tone was soft and sombre, and her fingers interlocked, seemingly nervous.

"I will, mom. Don't worry, love you."

With that, Jerome opened the door of the backseat and Natasha hopped in, her heart palpitating with excitement.

"You look really happy, Ms Natasha."

"I am, Jerome. I've haven't been to the beach in such a long time." She beamed and saw Jerome smiling just as happily from the front mirror.

They went to pick Clint up at his place, and saw him already waiting by the roadside wearing a gray singlet and navy beach shorts, with a backpack on.

Natasha wore a yellow tank top with cream-coloured shorts that gave off a cheerful and vibrant vibe. She paired it with yellow sun-shaped earrings and tied her hair into a high ponytail.

Natasha was almost on the edge of her seat, brimming with excitement as the car neared the seaside.

Clint and Natasha saw their friends already gathered around one of the benches so they headed towards them, with Natasha skipping every step of the way.

I'll wait for you (Clintasha)✔️Where stories live. Discover now