❤︎✧18✧❤︎ Letters to my love

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Natasha's mother walked into the room with a cream-coloured envelope in one hand, and a blue velvet box in the other. She sighed, before depositing the two items into the drawer by the bed, reuniting them with the many letters and gifts that Clint had sent over the months.

"Honey, Clint has sent another gift and letter. Wake up soon and you'll be able to see them together with the rest." Mrs Romanoff said encouragingly with a sad smile even though she wasn't sure if Natasha could hear.

Clint had written to Natasha every week without fail and occasionally, when he had saved enough money, he would buy little gifts and send them together with the letters across the continents to Auckland.

Once after work, he was roaming the streets as the shops were starting to close. He chanced upon this jewelry store which had a sterling silver bracelet sporting an arrow charm on display. He thought it matched the necklace he gave Natasha for her birthday many years ago.

From then, he scrimped and saved (not that he doesn't already do it), sometimes not eating during lunch. He knew Natasha wouldn't have liked him to do that, but he really wanted to buy that bracelet for her.

After two months of saving, he was finally able to purchase the bracelet. Clint had excitedly ran into the store to buy it, only to find that they had ran out of stock. He was almost devastated until they told him they had the stock in another outlet on the other side of town.

He flew there in a bus and after purchasing the bracelet, he was overwhelmed with joy. He hugged the blue velvet box and imagined how pretty it would look on Natasha's wrist.

Today after work, Clint trudged home, tired as ever. He flung his bag onto the floor by the cupboard and fell face down onto his bed.

After a few moments of shut-eye, he remembered he was supposed to write a letter to Natasha. Energy surged through him and he sprang up from his bed, and rummaged through his drawer for the paper and envelope. He may be tired, but never enough to forgo writing to his love.

Dearest Natasha,

It's been nearly 4 months. But I haven't forgotten about you, nor have I stopped hoping that you'd wake up.

The exams are coming real soon and I'm quite afraid I'd do badly, seeing that I'm too tired every night after work to even pick up a textbook. I miss the study dates we used to have.

Besides fretting about the exams, I'm also looking forward for them to be over. That way, I can come over to Auckland to visit you.

You know, I thought about Steve's promise to you to take you to Disneyland. Why don't I take you there instead? Wouldn't that be better? If only you'll wake up, I'll beat him to fulfilling your dream of visiting Disneyland. You'll be my princess and I'll be your prince. I know this sounds mushy but you'll know I really mean it when I say it in person.

And then there's this school dance that will take place after the exams and I'd really love to take you as my date. Please wake up by then, if not earlier okay?

I love you.


Clint signed off and folded the paper into two before carefully slotting it into the envelope. He sealed it with a kiss (okay, not literally), wrote Natasha's address, and added a stamp. He would head to the post office on his way to work the next day to send the letter on its way.

The letters were piling up in the bedside drawer. With each letter, Clint's love for Natasha grew.

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