❤︎✧12✧❤︎ Love on a rainy night

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"Mom, can I go out for a while?"

"Our flight is tomorrow at noon. Just be back in time for that, honey."

Natasha smiled weakly and left the house.


There was a knock on the door.

Clint stumbled out of his couch and opened the door.

There stood Natasha drenched from head to toe, wrapping her arms around herself and clearly shivering.

"Natasha! Come in." Clint hurriedly unlocked the gate and ushered Natasha in, then he sprinted to his room to get a towel for her.

After draping the towel over her shoulders, he led her into his room and picked out a t-shirt for her to change into.

Natasha sat on Clint's bed after drying herself up. She was still shivering from the coldness of the rain.

Clint entered with a mug of hot chocolate and offered it to Natasha, taking a seat on the bed next to her.

"You look cute in my t-shirt." Clint teased, making Natasha blush. The t-shirt was oversized, and covered till half her thighs.

"What were you doing out in the rain?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I just wanted to visit all my favourite places around the neighbourhood again, but then I got caught in the rain as I was nearby so I decided to drop by to see you. Didn't have your spare keys with me."

Natasha sipped at her hot chocolate, enveloping the mug with both hands to warm them up.

"I'll walk you home once your clothes dry." Clint gestured to Natasha's wet clothes hanging in front of the fan.

"I don't want to go home."

Clint seemed taken aback.

"Well, you're welcomed to stay here, if you want."

Natasha nodded and Clint took the empty mug from her hands before leaving it at the bedside table.

"Get under the covers, that way you won't be cold." Clint helped Natasha under the blanket and tucked it around her as she lay down on the pillow.

He turned to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll sleep on the couch."

"No it's okay, you can sleep right here in your own bed."

Clint felt his cheeks turn red and he stared at Natasha.

"I don't want to spend my last night alone."

Natasha sat up and moved the covers away to make a space for Clint.

Clint slowly got into the bed, embarrassed, being the gentleman he was.

They lay facing each other, the closeness made them both feel a sense of warmth coursing through their bodies.

Natasha eased her hand into Clint's and smiled. Clint's heart melted every time she smiled like that.

Before his mind could process what he was saying, it left his lips.

"I love you, Tasha."

Natasha's smile grew wider as she looked at Clint turning as red as a tomato after realizing what he had just said.

"I love you too, Clint."

At this, the tenseness left Clint and he smiled back, knowing the feeling was mutual.

Clint pulled Natasha into a warm embrace and caressed her cheek.

Any form of coldness instantly left Natasha and she melted into his embrace, feeling his heart beat steadily against her and his warm breath on her forehead.

In the silence of the room, a soft tinkling of a wind chime produced a soothing melody, swayed by gentle gusts of wind from the fan.

Clint gently lifted Natasha's chin and placed a kiss on her lips. The two of them deepened the kiss, pouring all their emotions out into each other, as if there wasn't going to be a chance to do so anymore. It was painfully true though, as Natasha was leaving the next day and who knows when Clint would see her again.

With their foreheads pressed together and lips aligned and locked perfectly, they smiled into the kiss and let a few stray tears roll down their cheeks.

They didn't want to break away, they wanted to stay like that forever, now that their love was beginning to blossom. But they had to. Natasha didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay with Clint forever, now that she knew she was loved. But she had to.

Clint fell asleep soon afterward, with Natasha in his arms. The warmth enveloped them, even as the rain pelted hard on the other side of the window pane and the world was thrown into a cold rainy shadow.

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