❤︎✧24✧❤︎ Making it right

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The moment Bucky lay Natasha on the bed, she woke up. With a flutter of her eyelids, her emerald orbs gleamed and tried to focused on the face before her.

She thought it was Clint at first, as her vision was still blurred by sleep dust. Her slender fingers reached out to trace the outline of his chin.

Then as her vision cleared, she retracted her hand and let it fall back onto the bed. Bucky seemed just a little hurt.

Steve came by as Natasha sat up.

"Why don't you sleep some more, Natasha?"

"I-" Natasha couldn't finish, the floodgates opened and the tears cascaded smoothly down her face. She buried her face in her hands and cried softly.

"Don't cry, tell us what's wrong." Steve crooned, as he sat next to her on the bed and wrapped an arm round her. Bucky sat on the other side and placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling her convulse slightly.

"I'm scared, Steve." Natasha removed her hands from her face and turned to Steve, the tears still streaming down her rosy cheeks.

"I don't want to close my eyes and never open them again. Then I'll never see my parents again, I'll never see all of you again..." She looked down at her lap, "I'll never see Clint again." She sniveled, her voice breaking at odd places.

"You'll be okay, Natasha. I know it. You're stronger than you think you are." Steve cupped Natasha's face with his hands and brushed her tears away with the pad of his thumbs. His eyes glistened with a trickle of tears. Then he pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his chest.

Bucky sat silently and solemnly, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to hide a few stray tears that threatened to fall.

"Clint...don't tell him about me. Laura's a really nice girl right? They'll be happy forever." Natasha said, her words meant to comfort herself more than anyone, and she now cried harder.

"Natasha, I don't know what happened but I think Clint still loves you."

"No, Steve, you don't understand. He stopped writing me letters. He stopped caring. But I don't blame him, I'm not worth waiting for."

An hour passed and the wells of Natasha's tears finally dried up and she could cry no more. She fell asleep in Steve's embrace and he gently lay her head on the pillow and tucked the duvet around her. He ruffled her hair once, then left the bedroom.

Bucky stayed behind a little longer. He gazed at her peaceful form and wanted so much to be in Clint's place to make her happy. But he knew no one could replace Clint in her heart.

Bucky moved the duvet to cover more of Natasha's neck and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Then he, too, left the bedroom, leaving sleeping beauty to her much needed rest.

The next morning, Steve and Bucky said goodbye to Natasha as they boarded different flights.

That was the last they saw of her.


Three weeks passed and the exams were over. Everyone had come to know about Natasha except Clint and Laura.

However, there was no news from her about her operation. The uncertainty about whether she had made it lingered. They were all dispirited.

Clint went about his normal life as he was completely oblivious to everything that happened, only occasionally suspecting something was wrong when shot a disapproving look from one of his friends. However when he asked, they refused to tell him anything.

Finally, Steve couldn't take it anymore. He felt Clint had the right to know, although Natasha had told him not to tell him.

"Clint, I have to tell you something."

"Finally, someone is willing to tell me what's wrong with all of you."

"Natasha woke up."

"What? When? How come she didn't tell me?"

"Because she found that you were busy being with Laura."

"What? Since when? There's nothing between me and Laura!"

"How do you explain the relationship status Laura posted on Facebook?"

"Relationship status? I seriously don't know anything about it! Anyway, how's Natasha now?" Clint grew impatient.

"She just went for her heart transplant operation a few weeks ago. There's no news from her till now."

Clint's heart plunged from a cliff, all the way down into a bottomless pit.

"Why didn't you all tell me?!" Tears were spilling from his eyes.

"Because Natasha told me not to tell you. She said you stopped caring and stopped sending her letters. She wanted you to be happy with Laura and not be burdened by her." Steve added a little coldly.

"Stopped sending her letters? I sent her one to explain that I'd be busy and I'd only continue sending the letters after the exams. It didn't reach her? I've never forgotten about her or given up on her." Realisation hit Clint hard that he'd screwed up badly, with Laura especially, giving Natasha the wrong idea.

He cried into his hand. He didn't even get to see Natasha before her operation after she had woken up. Of course he hoped she'd come out well, but what if by some cruel twist of fate she didn't? He hadn't even been able to tell her that he loves her.

"The letter must have gotten lost in the mail. But you should have made things clear with Laura so she wouldn't get the wrong idea and announce to the world that you're together." Steve's tone softened a little, seeing how devastated his friend was.

"When she asked me to give her a chance, I didn't give her any answer. Damn, she must have assumed that silence meant consent."

Steve patted Clint's shoulder as an act of comfort. Clint dried his tears and determination crept across his features.

"I know what I have to do. First deal with Laura, then fly over to New Zealand."

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What do you think happened to Natasha? Will Clint be able to get to her?

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