❤︎✧6✧❤︎ Spare keys

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It was Monday and Clint was absent from school.

Natasha and her friends got through the day as per normal, except there was an empty space next to her at the bench during recess, and the quiet trio(Natasha, Clint and Bucky)was now reduced to a duo.

"Wonder what's up with Clint." Tony commented out loud, to no one in particular.

"Yeah, he's rarely absent." Steve added.

Natasha sat silently, as usual, but deep in her heart she found that she missed Clint, just a little. She didn't have that sense of security that he provided her whenever he was around.

After school, Natasha decided to go check on Clint, being that she had the keys to his house. You see, Clint was afraid that he'd lose his keys so he handed the spare set to Natasha to safe-keep. That was how much he trusted her, and Natasha was glad he did.

So Natasha asked Jerome to send her to Clint's apartment instead and told him she'd inform him to pick her up afterward.


Clint felt surrounded by a haze of intense heat. His head felt like it was tied to a stone, so heavy he could barely lift it from the pillow. His whole body ached and he groaned from time to time when he shifted under the covers. He couldn't get up that morning, his mind all fuzzy and delirious.

They keys jingled and turned in the lock as Natasha stepped into Clint's apartment.

She looked around and decided to head to his room.

There, she found him wrapped in his blanket, face and lips drained of colour.

She raced to his side, sat down on the bed, and felt his forehead. It was burning.

"Clint, you're having a fever. Let me get you to the doctor." She bent down and said into his ear, not sure if he could hear it from the temperature that burned out his mind.

Clint opened his eyes a tad bit to see a redhead before him.

"I'll...be...fine. Just...need a little...more rest." He stuttered.

Natasha knew Clint hated going to the doctor so she sprinted to the kitchen to get some Panadol and a glass of water.

She placed the medicine and water on the bedside table before gently lifting Clint's head and propping him up a little with his pillow.

"Clint, here, take some medicine."

Clint lifted an eyelid and opened his mouth slightly while Natasha carefully placed the tablets in his mouth and gingerly fed him sips of water, one hand cupping his chin while the other balancing the glass of water on his dry and chapped lips.

Then Clint slept some more.

Natasha kept vigil by his bedside, dabbing his forehead with a cool towel that she soaked and wrung into the basin of cold water she had prepared.

Now Clint had started to shiver and cold sweat glistened on his forehead. Natasha quickly moved the blanket so it covered till his neck and tucked it snugly around him.

She sat back in the chair beside the bed and looked at Clint. He was usually the one to take care of her wherever she felt unwell. Now it felt a little weird to be in his place taking care of him.

Natasha then glanced around Clint's bedroom. She had only been here a few times and never really got the chance to look around.

She spotted a framed photo on his bedside table and being curious, she picked it up to take a closer look.

It was a photo of the both of them during a homecoming celebration the previous year. She had on some colourful hairspray and ribbons from the carnival stalls and he had a blue star tattoo on his right cheek. Natasha remembered that Clint had to bend his knees to accommodate her height and she chuckled silently. They stood cheek to cheek and beamed at the camera, their whitish teeth gleaming.

Natasha then remembered that this was the exact same photo she had on her phone lock screen. To think Clint treasured that moment just as much as she did.

Natasha put the photo frame back in its original place, angling it so that it was facing more towards the bed, just as Clint had arranged it before. She saw that Clint had also stuck some of their group photos on the wall with blue-tack, but had framed that very special one of the both of them.

Clint stirred from his sleep, which turned Natasha's attention away from the photos. He put one hand on his forehead and frowned.

When he pulled open his eyes, he was greeted by a pair of sparkling emerald green eyes. His bluish-gray ones widened.

"Natasha..." He was surprised to see her, being that he couldn't quite remember when he saw her earlier on.

She gave him an assuring smile.

"How're you feeling?"

"Better than before. Were you here all the time?"

"Just after school." Natasha said, feeling his forehead with the back of her hand and was pleased to know his temperature had gone down quite a bit.

Clint's eyes suddenly widened.

"What time is it?"


"Shit..." Clint muttered under his breath.

Natasha was puzzled and concern spread across her face.

"I'm late for work."

"You're not going to work like that, Clint." Natasha almost scolded, hands on her hips.

Clint had to work from the afternoon till night to pay for his school fees, being that his parents had passed on in a car accident and he had to support himself and his education. His brother, Barney, had gone overseas to live his own life and didn't quite bother about him.

"But..." Before Clint could begin, Natasha cut him off by grabbing his phone from the table and handing it to him. Clint looked confused.

"What's the number? I'll call your boss."

Clint punched in the numbers and handed the phone back to Natasha. She stepped aside to the door to make the call and inform Clint's boss that he was ill.

Clint sat up and glanced at Natasha's back turned to him.

This girl before him was sent from heaven, an angel. She had nursed him back to health and he vaguely remembered her slender fingers on his face and forehead making sure he was okay. Now Natasha had put on her sweetest voice and was apologizing on behalf of Clint for calling in so late.

This girl before him was an angel, an angel with his spare keys.

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