❤︎✧7✧❤︎ Clint to the rescue

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Clint was all better and had returned to school. All thanks to Natasha's care and firm stance about not allowing him to go to work.

Today they had gym lesson for the second period. They were playing badminton and Natasha sat at the bleachers again.

She watched her friends engage in doubles, Clint and Thor against Steve and Bucky. Maria and Pepper were up against Tony and Bruce, while Jane and Darcy played singles. They all seemed to be having so much fun and Natasha wished she could join in, but her doctored had strongly advised - warned her not to engage in any form of strenuous physical activity. This was further emphasized by her parents who constantly reminded her not to participate in gym lessons.

Natasha propped up her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her palms. She thought about her childhood, and how she had always envied the children who got to run around chasing each other and go skateboarding and try out the newly added flying fox attraction at the playground while she watched from behind her window. That was exactly what she did every gym lesson - sat there and envied her friends.

Natasha finally got bored and decided to go fill her bottle at the water cooler. She picked up Maria's bottle which was almost empty, deciding she would help her refill it and waved towards Maria, who was still engaged in her game. Maria nodded a silent thank you before Natasha exited the sports hall.

The hallway was silent as most students were still having classes. But not for long.

As Natasha filled up the bottles, she heard footsteps turning the corner, as well as the all-too-familiar rowdy voices.

Then Joseph, Jonathan and Ethan emerged. They had done their usual thing - skip class.

"Well, look who we have here. Our sweetheart's looking lonely."

Natasha remained silent and tried to ignore them, fixing her attention on screwing the bottle cap back in place.

Then she felt Joseph move closer and she grew tense.

Without warning, Joseph grabbed her by the shoulders, pushed her against the wall and attempted to kiss her. Natasha struggled and desperately tried to push him away. Her weak arms were no match for his powerful ones that enclosed her on both sides of her head as he towered over her. Joseph's gang stood behind and laughed, thoroughly enjoying watching her helpless being suffer.

Natasha shut her eyes and looked away, frantically trying to avoid Joseph's lips while still pushing at his chest. Her cheeks were stained with tears and she whimpered helplessly.

"Get off her!"

Joseph was pulled off of Natasha and punched square in the jaw by Clint's fist of fury.

Joseph stumbled back, clutching on to his jaw as he stood back up and wiped a trickle of blood away from his lips.

Maria hugged Natasha while Joseph prepared to fight Clint. He clenched his fists and frowned hard at Clint.

Just then, Mr Lorde, the discipline master, emerged from around the corner and headed down the hallway. He adjusted his spectacles and squinted at the commotion.

"What's going on here?"

"Joseph and his friends were harassing Natasha." Maria accused, pointing a finger at them while tightening her grip around Natasha's shoulder in protection.

Mr Lorde caught sight of Natasha crying and demanded that Joseph and his friends see him at his office after school. With that, he carried on down the hallway to the canteen.

With a final glare and sneer, Joseph turned the other way and left with his friends trailing behind him.

Clint continued glaring at them until they disappeared around the corner, then he turned to Natasha, worry and concern in his eyes.

"Nat, are you okay?" He held on to her arms with both hands.

Natasha sniffled before nodding.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again." Clint promised and Natasha leaned into his arms and hugged him, resting her head on his chest. Clint embraced Natasha with both hands around her back, feeling her still trembling slightly from the traumatic experience. The last of Natasha's tears fell freely down her cheek and soaked up a patch of Clint's shirt.


"I hope Joseph and his gang get suspended, or best expelled." Maria fumed, feeling indignant for her friend.

The others nodded in agreement.

After a few more hateful comments about the three bullies, the conversations across the table returned to the light-hearted ones.

Clint glanced at Natasha from time to time to make sure she was okay.

In her mind however, Natasha thought about Steve's promise to take her to Disneyland. She looked towards Steve and decided maybe she could bring it up and hopefully he could give her a day to look forward to.

Steve was busy chatting with his b-ball buddy Thor.

"The finals are coming up next month. We'll be training real hard starting now. Heard coach say we might have to come back on weekends too." Thor commented.

Steve nodded approvingly. Basketball was literally his life and he strived to be the best player as well as bring glory to the school.

Natasha heard, and decided it wasn't the time to bother him with trivial things like a trip to Disneyland.

She turned her attention back to her sandwich, a little disappointed and not having the appetite to eat. She played with the edges of the lettuce poking out from the sides of the bread, flicking it then curling it with her fingers.

Clint spied her and stifled a laugh, which Natasha caught.

"What's so funny?" She gave a small smile.

"I didn't know lettuce could be so fun to poke at." With that, Clint did the same to the lettuce in his sandwich, mimicking Natasha's actions to show her how adorable she looked doing that.

Natasha produced a teeth-bearing smile and punched his arm softly.

Clint never fails to brighten up her day.

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