❤︎✧2✧❤︎ Cute guy with a cat

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Natasha and her friends were having a study period in the library. She, Steve and Jane were using the computers while the rest were at the tables with textbooks.

As she did her research, she came across an advertisement on a webpage featuring Disneyland.

Her eyes lit up as she took in the colourful photos of lights, magical decorations and characters, the castle, and various exciting attractions.

Steve peeped over from the next computer.

"You seem pretty interested in going there."

Natasha was startled by Steve's sudden voice and turned around to face him, a smile flashing across her face.

"I've always wanted to go there."

"Seems surprising a rich girl like you has never been there."

"It's not about being rich, Steve. My parents worry about my health so much that they decided it wasn't good for me to experience that much adrenaline and fun. Besides, they don't have time."Natasha said, sadly.

"I can take you there one day. I'll promise to look after you."

Natasha almost sprung up from her seat, her eyes grew wide.


Steve nodded with a lopsided smile.

Natasha's excitement died down as quickly as it came, she frowned and pouted.

"But I can't go on any of the rides."

"That's okay. The parade and fireworks display are just as good!"

A smile found its way back onto Natasha's face and she held out her pinkie.

Steve chuckled and wrapped his pinkie around hers, sealing the promise.

Steve was literally the protective and loving brother Natasha never had.

Later that day, they had gym class. As usual, Natasha was to sit out. She sat at the bleachers and watched as her friends played captain's ball against the team from another class.

Her eyes darted back and forth as her friends were focused on defending, as well as trying hard to intercept the ball.

She first saw Steve. His face was set in a determined frown and sweat trickled down the side of his face as he waved his arms madly in an attempt to block the opponent.

Then she looked at Maria, who smiled triumphantly when she caught the ball, and  passed it to Pepper in one accurate throw.

Pepper then threw the ball to Thor, who directed the ball right into Clint's hands - the goal.

Natasha silently cheered as her team won, and could see Tony and Bruce trying to figure out the angle of Thor's trajectory that had resulted in a successful score. 

Her friends took a water break and Darcy came by to sit with her as Jane prepared to take her place in the next game.

While chatting with Natasha, Darcy suddenly stopped and stared behind her.

Natasha was puzzled, and turned behind to look. She saw a guy with chocolate-brown hair and turquoise-gray eyes looking in their direction.

She turned back to Darcy only to see her completely mesmerized just looking at that guy.

"He's checking you out isn't he?" She giggled.

"Nah, he's checking you out." Darcy said playfully.

"You're so mesmerized by him, he must have been looking at you." Natasha continued.

"Why don't we ask him over to find out?" Darcy quirked an eyebrow and Natasha looked stunned.

Darcy waved frantically at the guy, flashing a big smile on her face until she caught his attention. He seemed taken aback and then after looking behind him to check if Darcy was waving to another person instead, he started towards them.

"Why'd you call him here?" Natasha whispered, a little panicky.

"To find out who he really is checking out. You wanted to know didn't you?" Darcy teased.

The guy approached them and sat down beside Natasha.

"Hey, what's up, you called me here?" He said, a little shyly.

"Yeah, Darcy said matter-of-factly. "We just wanted to know which one of us you were checking out back there." She grinned.

His cheeks turned red and he looked down at his lap in embarrassment of being found out as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It was Natasha wasn't it?" Darcy raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Er...I...erm...well, it wasn't-" he was cut off by Natasha and Darcy giggling.

"What's your name, red cheeks?" Darcy prodded.

"James. James Buchanan Barnes. But you can call me Bucky." He said with a small smile, cheeks still a little flushed.

"Bucky...that's a cute name, cute like you and your cat." Darcy said, and Natasha looked at her confused.

"He's the cute guy I was telling Jane about that I followed on Instagram." Darcy whispered to Natasha, keeping an eye on Bucky as he looked at the girls in confusion.

Natasha nodded with a giggle.

"What, is there something on my face?"

Darcy roared with laughter while Natasha covered her mouth to suppress her laughs.

The trio continued to talk and it was clear that they were thoroughly enjoying the conversation as they laughed and grinned from ear to ear from time to time.

The captain's ball game had ended and Natasha's friends stood around gulping down water. They spotted Natasha, Darcy and some guy from the opponent's team talking, raised their eyebrows, and looked to one another.

"Who's that guy?"

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