❤︎✧4✧❤︎ Clint the teddy bear

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Natasha fluttered open her eyelids. She found herself staring at a familiar white ceiling, overwhelmed by the crisp medicinal scent.

"Ms Natasha, you're awake."

Natasha turned to the source of the voice, only to find a weary and worry-creased woman's face. It wasn't her mother.

"Rosa. Mom and dad, they busy?"

Rosa nodded sympathetically, but quickly added, "they'll be here soon."

It wasn't unusual that Natasha frequently woke up in a hospital only to be surrounded by Jerome and Rosa. Her parents were very busy people, especially her father who often travelled overseas.

Natasha sighed almost unnoticeably and turned to face the window, her tired eyes roving over the lush green tree tops and street lamps.

The door creaked open, which caught Natasha's attention. She assumed it was her parents.

This time when she turned round, a smile spread across her face.

Her friends had come to visit, even Bucky.

"Hey Nat." They all chorused, warm smiles in accompaniment.

Natasha propped herself up on the bed with the help of Rosa.

"Hey guys, what brings you here?"

"We came to see how you're feeling. Better?" Pepper asked cheerfully.

Natasha nodded with a smile and her eyes searched for Clint among the crowd.

When their eyes met, the gentleness in his gaze warmed her heart and her shoulders relaxed a little as he returned a lopsided smile.

"Our project...I'm sorry." Natasha suddenly frowned, looking down at her hands that were interlocked in her lap.

"Don't worry about it Natasha, just rest well and get better soon!" Maria comforted, sitting down next to Natasha and putting an arm round her.

After some chit chat, Natasha's friends left. That was when her parents came.

"Honey, are you alright?" Mrs Romanoff asked as she hugged her daughter tight.

"I'm fine, mom. I just forgot to take my medication."

Upon hearing that, Mrs Romanoff pulled away from Natasha and glared at Rosa, who was standing quietly at the corner of the room.

Rosa quickly apologized and looked timidly at her furious employers.

"Mom, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine. Don't blame Rosa, I'm old enough to be responsible for myself."

"Don't scare us like that again, sweetie." Mr Romanoff said as he patted Natasha's head. Natasha nodded subtly before lying back down on the bed.

Night soon crawled across the sky and the ward was plunged into darkness, only illuminated slightly by the faint glow of the light in the hallway outside the door.

Natasha remained awake while Rosa slept soundly on the couch by the bed.

She felt lonely, as she had felt whenever she stayed at the hospital. Previously, Rosa had remembered to bring her favourite teddy bear to accompany her. This time she forgot, and Natasha felt extremely isolated without the bear that she hugged to sleep every night - the bear that Clint had given her for her birthday 3 years ago.

It's just a toy, her mother would often say whenever she noticed how the thread had come off on one of its ear and persuaded her to throw it away. Natasha was always extremely defensive about this bear and would ask Rosa to mend it for her.

She didn't know why, but she felt a special attachment to it. It made her feel less lonely, less helpless, less afraid, lass sad. It reminded her of Clint who never fails to make her feel the same way.

So on this lonely night in a lonely hospital room, Natasha wrapped her arms around herself and drifted off into a restless slumber.


Natasha returned to school three days later, and received a warm welcome from her friends.

"I'm so glad you're back, Natasha!" Maria hugged her.

The others smiled and nodded in agreement.

Natasha was happy, as she found that Bucky had gotten along well with her friends, and was now a valued member of the group.

"Hey Natasha, good recommendation on your part, James was a great group member! Our project turned out really well!" Tony exclaimed and patted Bucky on the shoulder and he blushed at the compliment.

"History buffs ftw!" Steve chimed and gave Bucky a bro fist.

After much jokes and chatter in front of the lockers, the bell rang and they headed to class.

After the last lesson of the day, Natasha headed to her locker. Bucky ran after her with his backpack slung over one shoulder.

"Hey Natasha...I...erm, would you like to go out with me this Saturday, tomorrow?"

Bucky blushed, bit his lip and rubbed his hands together waiting for her answer.

Natasha smiled, but before she could answer, Bucky interjected.

"It's okay if you don't want to though..."

"That's not how you ask a girl out. What if she really meant to go with you?" Natasha smirked.

"Really?! I-I mean that's great! I-I'll pick you up at 12." Bucky was overjoyed. He beamed at her before running the other direction, as if not believing he had successfully asked Natasha out. Once out of school, he pumped his fist into the air in victory.

"Woah bro, what made you so happy?" Steve slung an arm round his shoulder.

"Natasha has agreed to go out with me!"

Steve chuckled and patted Bucky's shoulder in encouragement.

Back at the lockers, Darcy walked up to Natasha.

"What's happened with red cheeks?"

"He asked me out."

Darcy raised her eyebrows and nodded with pressed lips.

"Are you angry with me?"

"Of course not! I've always been rooting for you and red cheeks. I only liked his cat." Darcy laughed and Natasha giggled.

That night, Bucky lay in bed too excited to sleep. He had never been on a date with a girl before. He hoped his lunch and movie plans would go smoothly.

Natasha was just as excited to spend a day out with her new friend.

Rainbows and cotton candy clouds dominated their dreams that night.

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