❤︎✧14✧❤︎ Flashback

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It has been a week and a half since Natasha and her family moved into the seaside bungalow in New Zealand. It was nothing less than the mansion she lived in back in New York, Jerome and Rosa came along, everything was like it used to be - well, almost everything.


Today Natasha and her parents had an appointment with the specialist to discuss about her condition and the possibility of a heart transplant.

"So a heart transplant would be ideal, but..." The doctor stopped and his eyes darted from Natasha to Mr and Mrs Romanoff.

"Natasha dear, would you like to wait outside?"

"If there's anything, I have a right to know."

Mrs Romanoff looked back to the doctor and signaled for him to carry on. Her eyes bore the anxiety and worry of her soul.

"Well, there will most probably be complications and the chance of the operation being a success is 60%."

The truth hit Natasha like a bucket of ice water.

60% was all her life depended on.


"Man, I miss Natasha already." Darcy said while munching on a fry during recess. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Clint and Bucky shifted awkwardly in their seats, the gap still left between them as if waiting for Natasha to get back and fill her seat.

Steve and Thor had just finished the basketball finals and the team had emerged victorious. They were now free from training.

"I didn't get to spend much time with Natasha over the past month." Steve said, almost regrettably. He treated Natasha like his little sister and doted on her too much.

"We didn't see her off too." Pepper added a little sadly.

"I did."

Everyone snapped their heads towards Clint, who was now a little embarrassed at all the attention on him and was scratching the back of his neck.

"You did?" Maria questioned, very surprised.

Clint nodded.

"So that's why you skipped biology class that morning." Tony concluded, wiggling his eyebrows at Clint.

"See, there's clearly something between you two." Darcy analysed like a professor, squinting her eyes at Clint, then turning to Bucky, "I was rootin' for ya red cheeks. You didn't try hard enough."

The bell rang for class and the group dispersed.

Clint was glad the judging looks had ceased and that he didn't mention Natasha staying the night at his place, which would most probably lead to unneeded suspicion and exaggerated reactions. It was enough realisation for his friends for one day.


That night, Clint sat on his bed holding the photo frame in his hands. He ran his fingers over Natasha's beaming face and a silly grin formed on his face. He thought back to the morning before he accompanied Natasha to the airport.

They both lay in bed facing each other. Clint had an arm around Natasha's waist while she had a hand on his cheek. Natasha was still wearing that oversized purple T-shirt of his.

"I'm gonna miss you a lottle, Clint."

"A lottle?" Clint chuckled.

"Yeah, it's like a little but in fact a lot."

"Haha...same here."

"What if we don't see each other again?"

"That won't happen, Sweetheart. I'll come find you no matter where you are, I promise."

"I mean what if-"

Natasha was cut off by Clint crashing his lips against hers.

After pulling away, he laced his fingers with her delicate ones.

"There's no what if." He soothed, a soft gaze set upon her.

"I love you so much, Clint." A stream of tears cascaded down Natasha's cheeks.

He kissed them all away.

"I love you more."

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I'll wait for you (Clintasha)✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα