Chapter 23

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Bill's POV

I teleported home out of rage. I stomped up to the attic and closed the door behind me. I started slightly floating off of the ground while pacing back and forth.

'We actually found the bunker. We found the crucial piece to my plan. It's all right here. It could start any day now. I just have to betray (Y-'

"NO!!" I shout at my thoughts and shake my head, as if though doing so would get the thought out of my head. I sigh and look at my pocket watch.

"7:16. The bunker is pretty far. It'll take them a while to reach the Shack." I mumble to myself.

"Hey dimwit." Tad casually says, slinging the door open. I sharply turn to look at him.

"What do you want you stupid square?!" I snapped. Tad just smirked and strolled over and sat on his ever so slightly floating bed. I skeptically looked him over. He just, he didn't look right. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.....

"I just wanted to make a trade with you, my dear brother.~" he sneered. His voice doesn't sound right either, plus Tad can't make trades, he only makes bets. The only person who makes trades is......Emma. I narrowed my eye and started to lowly growl. I even started to turn a hint of red.

'It all makes sense. His voice sounding faintly like a mix between the two of them, and his eyes where pink instead of silver. It's the return of Emad' I mentally thought.

"Good investigation skills Detective Dorito." Emad sneered. I just stayed silent, glaring daggers at her. I know that it seems weird that a demon can posses a demon, but she has had training from the Time Anomaly. Who know what they taught her?!

"Let's just get to the point, you do have three of them after all," She sneered," I'll trade with you some of my power and knowledge about (Y/n) and how to stop the upcoming plans, if you trade with me, two days of your life. I'll also give Tad back to you once the time is up as well." I turned normal and thought about the trade for a moment.

'I do need to stop the plans to keep (Y/n) safe. And it is only two days. But I don't know if I can trust her. She is almost as tricky and sneaky as I am, which isn't a good thing. But, I have to save (Y/n).' I thought. I sharply sighed and stuck my hand out, avoiding eye contact.

"Fine. It's a...........a trade." I sighed. She quickly took hold and shook my hand. Immediately our hands where engulfed into a green flame. Suddenly, a sharp pain creeped up through my hand into my head. I loudly grunted and fell to my knees. I immediately passed out.

Your POV

We were walking home in silence, the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet was filling the silence. We still had a long way until we got to the Shack.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Dipper asked, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" I hummed, directing my attention to his chocolate brown eyes that were sparkling in the little sunlight left in the sky.

"Thank you for fighting that thing for my journal, and for coming along. Without you, w-we would've b-been l-lost." He stuttered with a thin smile. I smiled at him.

"No problem, I had fun, even though we almost got killed." I softly spoke. After that, we all continued walking, a smile plastered on both of our faces.

Bill's POV

My eyes flicker open and I see that I'm floating above my bed. I go to stand up, except I only fall through the ground. I looked at my hand to see that it is see through. I  fly back up and look around to find Emad and Bilma playing with their new bodies to see just how they work. I fly over to them getting Bilma's attention.

"Oh hey, I gotta go. Oh, and by the by, they won't be able to tell its you. I'm making sure both of your eyes and voices sound the same." She huffed. I growled and followed her around the room.

Your POV

After about a 29 minute walk, we finally reached the Shack. I ran up the porch and through open the door.

"Bill!!!! Tad!!!!!" I yelled. In an instant, they both appeared in front of me.

"Yes, Butterfly?" They both asked in sync. I looked at them for a second, just at their eyes. They were their normal color but something was off. I looked at them once more and smiled to try and hide that it seems like something's wrong.

"Why did you two disappear? I wanted all of us to walk home together." I fake whined.

"Yeah, the walk home was very quiet, until me and (Y/n) started singing dippers favorite song." Mabel teased.

"Don't say it!" Dipper said angrily between grounded teeth.

"Disco girl by BABA.~" Me and Mabel teased. We quickly ran upstairs to lock the attic door before Dipper went insane on us. While we were camping out, we fell asleep leaning against each other in no time from exhaustion.

Hello readers! That is now over 6k! This is growing rapidly! I am also so sorry for the delay, my math teacher said that she promised to give us homework everyday, so I barely have any time. I will be updating as much as possible, plus I have a great idea for the next chapter. See us soon!

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