Chapter 15

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Your POV

I woke up tied to a chair in a (f/c) ball gown and a diamond studded tiara. I started to squirm. I start to squirm so much that I knocked over my chair.

"Omf!" I said.

"Let me help you." Bill smirked while emerging from the shadows. His hand glowed blue as did the chair and it was set back upright again. The chair was facing him. He leaned against a wooden post that held up the roof, smirking at me. Not a shocker there. I looked at him, then around the room. Bill was wearing his tux, but had his sparkly, black cape with a blue inside. He also had a belt to hold an old-timey sword. Also, instead of his dress shoes, he had boots. I looked at my surroundings and it looked like I was in a stone tower. That confirmed what I had thought about the situation.

"I'm pretty sure you have realized what is going on my now, m'lady." Bill said in a bit of a serious tone. I sighed and decided to play along with Mabel's game.

"Oh, yes my captor, but be assured that my nights shall be here and you will rue the day that you messed with Madame de Pompadour.( doctor who reference? No one, ok).

"We'll see about that...." Bill said. He walked over to a lever and pulled it. When he pulled it, I blacked out. I woke up in the same, room, same outfit, same restraints, same everything. What did he do that for?

"Bill w-" I started but quickly realized that I sounded very muffled. He put a gag on me. He knows I hate gags! He appeared in front of me and smirked. I just looked angrily at him.

"So you can't yell to give our position away." Bill smirked. I just rolled my eyes and looked away since I couldn't do anything else. About two minutes later, I heard three people calling my name in the distance. My eyes brightened up and I looked at the tower window. I start to call out to the boys, but no luck. It came out as quiet muffled noises.

"They'll never find you and I'll win the game!" Bill exclaimed. I just bluntly shook my head.

"Yes I will!" Bill almost yelled. Then I got an idea. If I annoy him, he'll yell and Dipper, Mabel, and Tad will win the game! I aggressively shook my head again, as Bill started fuming, turning into his mad form.

"Yes. I. WILL!!" Bill yelled. He quickly covered his mouth and turned to normal.

"Hey, I heard someone in that direction." I heard Dipper say. They were close. Bill must have disguised the tower, which is expected for the game. Man, Mabel went all out. Speaking of Mabel, is she one of the Knights? I don't know where she would be.

I looked back at Bill and he gave me a death glare. I gulped and sweat dropped. I started into his golden eyes while he stared into my fear filled ones. He strides over to me and puts his thumb and fore finger under my chin to make me look at him.

"You don't know what you've just done." Bill whispered in my ear. Man, he is a good actor, although, he is probably like this around other people, kinda like it being his dark side. I kinda like it. A bit different, but, same ol' Bill.

"Be quiet, you talk too much in your head." Bill scowled. I nodded quickly as he started to get out his sword to prevent any conflicts. He walked over to the window and crouches down. He waits there for Dipper, Tad, and Mabel to come in. After about five minutes we hear a bang and someone fall to the ground.

"Hey guys, I found the tower!" I heard Mabel shout. There is running footsteps and then nothing. As though they disappeared in thin air.

Then, out of nowhere, they jump through the window. Mabel and Dipper tacked down Bill, as Tad untied me.

"Glad your ok, Madame, sorry to have this unexpected capturing." Tad stated offering me his hand. I gladly took it as Tad and me and jumped down the tower. We run through the woods and touch the Mystery Shack front door, symbolizing that the game is over.

"YES HEROES WON!!" Mabel, Tad, and Dipper said in sync. I slightly look behind them to see Bill trudging along. I smile and head over to him. He looks up and weakly smiles.

"I guess that's the first win for the heroes in Capture, huh?" I smile pulling him over to a log and sitting down.

"Yeah, but, villains have won 3 games so far." Bill gloated. I rolled my eyes and started to walk around, stretching my legs. The way the game works is:

Every once in a while, Mabel will yell out 'Capture!' And then with a snap of Bill's fingers, the game is set up in the woods outside of the Mystery Shack in a random set up. Then, Bill has to kidnap the 'princess', aka me, and traps her in a tower. The knights have to find her before the two hour time period is up. Then they rescue her and they have to take her to the Mystery Shack and touch the front door. If Bill wins and they don't find us, then they each have to grant a task for him. Now, they can be Knights, fairies, queens, anything really, as long as there is one person as a knight. Simple game really. I'm snapped back to reality as Dipper taps my shoulder. I turn around to face him.

"Hey, w-wanna get some ice cream?" Dipper asked quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. I sweetly smile and nod my head as an answer.

"R-really?!" He says perking up.

"Yeah, sounds good right now." I answer. I go upstairs and put on a (f/c) tank top, denim skinny jeans, convos, and tied a black jacket around my waist. I put my hair up in a messy bun and rushed back downstairs.

"That's better. I usually don't do dresses, unless necessary." I explain. Me and Dipper head out once he changed too and we went into town. We reached the ice cream shop and Dipper opened the door.

"After you~"

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. I've been on vacation lately and I'm not in a wifi spot too much so please forgive me. I'm also sorry for the bad chapter, I promise the next one will be better. Just got over writers block so I'm really sorry and trying my hardest to make you all happy. See you soon in the next chapter, bye!

The Name's Cipher...   ( Bill&TadxReaderxDipper)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt