Chapter 22(part 2)

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Your POV

"A-uh-o-oh y-yes. The author. A-and you found one of my journals! Brilliant!" He says snatching the journal. He starts flipping the pages and walking off.

'I'm don't have a good feeling about this. Something here is off.....clink!

'What was that?' I mentally ask. I turn around to see a tin can fall on the ground. I go to pick up and inspect the can. My eyes widen at the image on the can. It was the same person the 'author' was. Oh no. I run over to Dipper.

"Uh, D-Dipper.......I hate to burst you bubble, but, look." I sadly say while holding up the can. He gasps then looks at the author, obviously hurt and worried about his journal. He quickly walks over to the author.

"Uhh, s-sir, can I have my j-journal back?" Dipper said reaching for his journal. The author quickly brought the journal closer to him.

"I don't think so. I need to read the whole journal before you can have it." He said, his voice getting lower as he spoke. I started to shake. He then turned his neck around 180 degrees. I slowly started to back away.

'T-t-t-that's not normal...' I thought. Then he crawled up the wall and shifted into something. Literally. I don't know what he, or it was. He was just a.....something...

"What's wrong, don't like my true form?" He...smirked? If that's possible?

"With this journal, I can change into any form I want." He explained. He then started to change into random monsters in the book.

"Give that back! Where's the real author?!" Dipper exclaims trying to reach for the journal. The shapeshifter thing snatched the journal closer to his chest and looks down at it once more.

"Oh, this should be interesting..." He then shape shifts into...Bill. My eyes widen. I blink a couple of times, them close my eyes. When I open them, there were two Bills looking at me.  Then one speaks up.

"(Y/n), I came in to get you and Dipper. Come on!" He steps forward to try and grab my wrist but I sharply pull it back.

"Butterfly, what's wrong?" The other one says.

"I-I don't know who is who..." I stutter. I rub my eyes for there to only be one again.

"W-which one are y-you." I ask.

"Depends. Which one do you want me to be, because the one you want me to be is the one I can't be, but I am the one standing in from of you." He says really fast. He then smirks as I stare in disbelief. This could be either of them...

But then I see the journal hidden in his tux. I smirked to myself.

"Bill!! I'm so glad I found you!" I run up to Bill to give him a hug only to take the journal from his tux. I run down one of the tunnels in the wall. I hear Dipper calling out to me but I don't look back. I just keep running. I keep running for my life. I was then tackled to the ground and knocked out. When I woke up I saw someone pinning me down. It took me a second to realize that I was being pinned down by....myself? Then I realized that it was the shape shifter. It also wasn't looking at me so I quickly get up from underneath it and go stand next to Dipper. He just started to back away.

"Dipper, I-I-I-it's me, (Y/n)." I softly say.

"H-how do you know that your not the shape shifter?" He said, almost to tears. I felt bad for him.

"Of coarse she's the shape shifter!! You can easily tell. Let's get out of here before she hurts us!" The shape shifter said from behind me.
My head sharply turns to look at it. I start to charge at the thing. We get in a full blown fistfight.

"Dipper, pick up the dagger over there and stab the shapeshifter." I say trying but failing to point out the shapeshifter.

"Give Dipper his journal!" I added in.

"Never!" She countered.

"Dipper stab her! She's the shape shifter!" It said. In the blink of an eye, it had my hands behind my back holding me still.

"I......I-I need a sign!" He stuttered. I looked at my replica self as it did a goofy salute like I did this morning at Dipper. I looked at Dipper and made my eyes glow white for a second as I nodded at him. He nodded back. He started to charge as I slipped from its grasp in the nick of time. I stood up straight to see Dipper pulling at dagger out of its stomach. It screamed at green translucent goo oozed from its open wound. Then it healed itself and crawled away. We picked up the journal and ran for the door we came in from.

"Mabel open up right now!" I commanded in my demonic voice.

The door opened and we ran inside. We told them everything. 

"Well, I think I know what we can do to finish him off for good." Mabel smirked. She whispered us the plan as we all nodded in agreement.

Me, Dipper, Mabel, and Tad went out to find the shapeshifter. We stop in the middle of a large room.

"Wow, Dipper, there sure is a lot of great monsters in that journal!" Mabel yelled.

"Yup. And all of them have a great look to them." I yelled as well. Then the shape shifter appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh look more people." he says as he shifts into Dipper.

"Or the other." He smirks as he shifts into Mabel.

"Hm....maybe ill be both..." He then shifts into a creepy mix between the two. Welp, no that image is burned into my brain forever.

"You want the journal, come and get it!" Dipper taunted and ran off. The creature followed until Dipper lead him to the testing lab.

"End of the line, boy!" He chuckled.

"Ya...." He lead off slowly moving out of the way.

"For you." Tad smirked and pushed him into one of the test tubes.

"SOOS PUSH THE BUTTON!" Me and Mabel yelled. The door on the tube them closed. He switched into many things to try and break out but nothing. He then switched into his normal form.

"Bill pull the freeze." Mabel said. Then the shapeshifter started to shiver.

"You haven't seen the last of me! And I promise that this will be the last for you will ever take!" He said. He split into two being. One looked like Dipper and one like me. We were screaming, crying, and hugging each other. Then he completely froze. I stared at it in horror. I look at Dipper, then look away blushing.

"L-lets get out of here." Tad spoke up. I didn't move. I was still trying to process what just happened. Then I felt that I was being lifted up. I look up to see Tad carrying me out of the bunker. Once we were all out, we closed the tree up and sat down.

"And we never even found the author." Dipper huffed.

"It's okay dude. At least I kept this awesome looking briefcase." Soos chuckled. Then the case broke open to show a laptop.

"Whoa! That's no briefcase!" I exclaimed

"Hey, I think I can fix this thing up for you Dipper!" Soos's eyes brightened.

"Thanks Soos!! That would be great! But, it's getting dark let's head back to the shack." Dipper said. We all nodded and got up. We started walking towards the Shack as the sun set behind us.

Hey guys! I had lots of fun writing this chapter! I am sad to say so, but school for me, starts tomorrow which means, possible slower updates. I am as upset as yall are and I will try my HARDEST! To u date in my schedule. I promise. See yall in the next chapter!

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