All hail The Dark Queen

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Snow's POV:
All I could do was stare at my daughter in complete shock and awe. She looked completely different, her beautiful blonde hair was tied up in a tight bun and she wore dark black leather.

"Well well well look what the time portal dragged in!" She laughed walking towards us. When she got closer I realized her gorgeous green eyes were replaced by a sickly yellow color. "
"We're here to help you!" Red tried and Emma shot her a unbelieving look.
"Awe how loyal of you puppydog!" She snickered and Red frowned angrily.

"What?" She asked which made Emma laugh again.
"We'll that's what you're right a dog! Here's an idea why don't you sit!!" She waved her hand and Red flew across the room smacking against the wall and falling to the floor with a groan.

"Emma, love don't do this!!" Hook yelled stepping forward and Emma sneered at his comment.
"First off mate, I am the Dark Queen, Emma is gone,and second its all ready been done!!" She exclaimed throwing him next to Red.

"Mom please please please don't do this, you're good!" Henry pleaded but Emma remained unchanged.
"What you think I'm Regina? That telling me I'm good is going to fix everything?!" She spat her eyes glowing.

"Yes I do because I have hope!" He told her confidentiality.
"Hope? " Emma laughed shaking her head, "you have hope in me? Well gosh I guess I'll just stop being Evil now because you have hope!!"

"Yes, and I believe in you because you're my mom, you're the Savior!" He shouted and Emma scowled bitterly.
"You're my son? Because last time I checked Henry Mills your future self told me to stay away from your kid because and I quote you " I am a menace to society! " so Henry I don't really care what you think Kay or if you believe!! " she spat and threw him in a different direction, making him slide across the floor.

I was starting to worry now because I thought for sure Henry would've gotten through to her.
"How dare you!" Regina spat and Emma grinned wickedly.
"Awe is Granny Gina gonna stop me with her hugs and kisses. Puh-lease !!" Regina scowled looking murderous.

Then Emma raised her hand lifting Robin off the floor.
"I know what you are thinking Regina and I wouldn't do it if I were you!" She threatened while Robin twisted and turned gasphing for air. In one motion she threw him at Regina, knocking them both to the ground.

I realized that it was just me and David left, besides Neal,Cassidy and Haddy. I took a deep breath before I told her exactly how I felt.

To Be Continued...
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