The Dark Queen

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David's POV :
We were all in shock when a older looking version of Snow burst into the clearing.
"Where have you guys been? I've been worried sick!!" She exclaimed kissing their faces repeatedly.

Neal pushed her away though and gave her a disgusted look.
"Yeah you were worried about us well what about Emma huh? Did you even think about her ?!!" He spat angrily and I could feel my heart sinking.

What had happened to Emma?
Snow cleared her throat and the older Snow gasphed once she saw us.
"It can't be" she murmured softly and Red nodded.
"Actually it is." Red whispered.

Neal studied them before he cheered merrily.
"Yes then you can help get Emma back since you're not fraidy cats yet!" I shared a confused look with Snow and asked
"Um why was Emma taken?" Before Neal could answer the older Snow piped up.

"In a way yes,but she isn't Emma anymore." She whispered sadly.
"Why wouldn't you save her?" Henry questioned and Neal spoke up.
"Because she's a coward just like everyone else!"

No One's POV:
The older Snow went to hug her son but he turned away again.
"I hate you it's all your fault Emma is gone!!!" He shouted tears glistening. Snow (from the past) knelt in front of him
"Where's Emma?" She asked feeling a sense of dread deep in her stomach.

Out of nowhere a carriage pulled up. The door swung open and all mouths dropped open.
"Awe there was a party and I wasn't invited?"

To Be Continued...

Hey everyone please oh please comment and vote and tell me what you guys think ;)

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