Chapter 29

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I woke up and I was laying on MATT'S chest.Shit!I need to Nash.I looked at my phone and it was already 10:30.Okay I can get ready in half an hour.Its only Nash's house anyway.

It was kind of hard but I managed to replace myself with a pillow. 😂 good work Zoe.

I didn't have time to shower so I was going to do that later.I put on my black skinny jeans which were ripped at each knee and put on my white crop top that hugged me.For my hair I did nothing (obviously brushed it tho) and then I just slipped on a pair of vans before leaving.

I quickly wrote and a note and text him just incase he panicked and left before reading it.

I walked out and headed to Nash's.I decided to walk since it wasn't that far.It was like a 20 minute walk.

I walked across the road and down the lane and through the small woods and I normally hate lames but I was just so excited to see Nash right now! XD

I knocked on Nash's door and Hayes answer."Zoe!!!" He yelled and hugged me. "I can't believe your here!I missed you."

"I missed you to." I replied still hugging him. "Where's Nash?" I asked.

"Oh he's um upstairs.He hasn't been taking this well,he's been a miss since you he's been heartbroken and feeling so lonely and down and-"

"Hayes!" I waved my hand in his face. "Hayes I'm sure he's okay now can I plleeeeeaaaasssee go see him??" I pouted.

"Aw Yeh okay he's in his room."he said and I just thanked him and knocked his door. "I've already told you Hayes I want to be alone." He yelled.

"You sure you don't want to see me?" I asked and he yelled my name and told me to come in. "OMG ZOE SERIOUSLY!!!I MISSED YOU TOO MUCH!!!I couldn't cope Zoe.Ive been broken."

A tear slipped down his cheek. "I'm here now.And I guess tears are contagious." I giggled and he wiped it away."Don't cry baby girl." He said.

"I'm not I'm fine I just hate the fact that I made 2 years of your life hell.Im so so sorry Nash."

"Zoe it's not your fault they weren't that it's just that I missed you loads." He said. "Well I spoke to Hayes and he says your pretty bad.He said you've been having a hard time." I told him and then sighed to myself in disbelief.

"I'm fine okay.Zoe please believe me.Now that your here things will be so much better." He gave me a weak smile and I just smiled back and hugged him. "Love you Nash!" "Love you to Zoe!" He said back.

"Right um so I need to shop a minute to pick up some stuff for Skylynn.Coming or staying?"

"Oh right is it cool if I stay and like talk to your mum and things." I asked.
"Yeh sure." He said and walked off looking happier than ever.

I walked over to Hayes's room and knocked and he allowed me to come in.
"I need to talk to you."
"Nash.Please tell me what happened.Please I need to know." I said shakily and sniffed.

"Well...he's been looking really rough and he hasn't been out at much,been in a stop quite often and hasn't much sleep.He said he couldn't sleep.He lost his appetite a bit and people have kind of been bullying him..."

"WHAT!?What did they say!!!????" I asked.
"Zoe calm down.People have just been calling him a loner and asking him where his best friend is and saying he has no one now even though he did have other friends.He just got pretty upset that all.He said it honestly feels like your dead."

I couldn't believe what he was saying.FEELS LIKE IM DEAD!? What why would Nash say that.How was it so rough.Yeh I took it really bad as well at first but I kind of found myself a great friendship group and they always supported me.Nash most of felt so lonely.

"Thanks." I said and walked to Skylynns room.I knocked on the door. "Mummy I'm scared what if Nash-" then She stopped as I walked in.Her eyes were red an puffy and it looked like she had been crying.

"OMG SKY MY BABEY!!!" I hugged her tightly in my arms and then sat her on my lap on her bed. "Skylynn what's going on.Why are you crying you don't need to be scared."

"I missed you loads and loads!!!" She said. "I'm so glad your back I've been so scared it's been horrible."

"Scared of what?"
I questioned. "Scared about Nash he's been terrible Withought you he's been constantly crying saying nobody likes him and no one want to be his friend and he's alone now that he's lost you." She said and started crying.

I tried my hardest to hold back the tears and I managed too for a bit.After talking too Skylynn I walked out all casual and then ran to the toilet and I was sick.I basically tour tired Nash but it wasn't my fault we moved.But I did still blame myself.

I then cried my eyes out.I was crying so hard I couldn't hold it in anymore.The thought of seeing Nash that was horrifying,I mean,he is my best friend.

Sorry if you didn't like that chapter yes it was very emotion and very long but Yeh I'm not a great story writer so I hope it was okay anyway ? Thank you for reading! 💖

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