Chapter 21

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"Zoe!" Matt came running after me. "Here's your phone.And I promise I didn't send that text." I took the phone of him and walked off.That was so embarrassing because you could see tears in my eyes.

I walked home instead of going to the gym because I didn't want to go anymore.And you could blame Mathew.

"It was you!Well one of you." I shouted. "What the hell dudes?"
"Sorry." Caspar admitted.
"We were drunk we really didn't know what we were doing." Said Joe.

"You better go tell Zoe that.After all she is your sister." "Okay I'll ring her now." Joe replied.

Me:Look.I'm so so sorry I didn't believe you.Now I feel like an idiot.
Matt:Aw it's okay.I could just hug you right now.
Me:Awww Mathew!
Matt:I feel so special when you call me Mathew.
Matt:Okay now I just feel cool.
Me:Your so childish!Okay I'm going to go to sleep now.goodnight 💋
Matt:good night 💕

*a few months later*

"I'm gonna miss you so much Zoe."
"I won't be able to do this withought you." I said. "Yes you will you're strong." "I can't Matt I need you!!!" I cried on his shoulder.

"I can't do this I-I-I c-a-a-nt."
"What?" He said. "Right look at me.Look at me now! I know they may sound a little cleashay and corney,but this is what someone once told me,not only me but all of us,there is a light at the end of the tunnel,you will get through it.I understand it all,you once told me everyone is bullying you and calling you anorexic and things but you know what you say to them,FUCK YA'LL! Everyone's gone through something hard in their life,look where you're at know,look where you're at.Your internet famous!You have so many fans out their supporting you.And I will text you call you every morning and before you go to bed to check on you cuz I don't want nothing happening to you.You understand me!?You'll always have a piece of me in your heart.I'll always be with you,I'm there every step of the way.Trust me you will understand.If you need me,whisper my name."

I hugged Matt tightly and tears rolled down my face.I just didn't want to let go.I was missing him so badly already even though I hadn't left yet. "Flight 170!"

"So I guess this is goodbye." "I hate goodbyes.How about we just pretend your going no where,your going back home and coming over my house tomorrow yeah?" He replied.

"Matt it doesn't work like that!I'm sorry.I'm gonna miss you too much.I love you loads and loads and loads and I will come and visit sometime when I can." Matt squeezed me. "Bye Zoe.I love so much.I'm gonna think about you every single day."

"Goodbye Espinosa." I frowned and walked away.I couldn't look back,I didn't want to see the look on his face.


I didn't really like planes.I could just about cope though. "Mathew." I whispered. "Help me please."
Then I'm pretty sure he said back "It's okay Zoe.I'm here." But he wasn't here.So how could he.I think it was just me and my imagination.


"We can't the plane isn't ready and there's no other planes ready.Were gonna have to cancel it there gonna have to stay in one of the hotels."

What the hell.Our flight had been cancelled.I was going home.I ran down the stairs dragging my suitcase,ran all the way down to the door as My step mother chased after me.

"Mathew!!!!!" I screamed. He ran over to me and hugged me. "Looks like we aren't going anymore.I get to stay with you!" He kissed my forehead. "I think this deserves a party!"

"Okay save it for later." My step mother called. "Could possibly get off my butt?" I asked. He just laughed. "I'm so happy your not leaving me." "Me too." I replied.

"I'll pay for a taxi and drop you two to the hotel." Said Jackie. "Sounds like a plan." Matt said and kissed. me again

Then I bumped my head on something.Great,the side of the plain,now I was deffinatley dreaming as I started to cry.Then I quietly cried myself back to sleep.

Alone - Mathew Espinosa (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن