Chapter 23

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I didn't want Zoe to find out I was with someone.I mean,what if she's seen her online or something and she would be heartbroken.And something inside me tells me I was still in love with her. 😔

"So who was that.Sorry just me being nosey." Zoe asked. "Oh umm it was my mum.Just checking if I'm okay." I replied and walked off.Then Zoe gave me the look as if to say 'why would he say that to his mum?'

"I'm gonna order a pizza if that's okay with you??" I asked. And then they all agreed."I'm going to the balcony for a fagg."

"Okay." No not really okay.What?He's changed so much.He's full of tattoos he smokes he has a lip piercing and he acts so different

I walked over to him."You've changed a lot." I said.He looked at me."You haven't changed a bit."A smiled and sat down beside him.

"Are you to town with the girls tomorrow?" He asked.
"Town?Oh I don't know." I said.

Then he smirked. "You can come hang out with me Sammy if you like."
"Woah you still hang with Sammy?I remember Sammmy!And Yeh I'll come." I looked at the floor and then a big puff of smoke came out his mouth.

"Yeh.I'ma be with two other friends aswell.Dylan and Chris."
"Okay." I said. "I'll just go tell the girls."
Then I walked off.

"Piiiiizzzaaaaa!!!" Jenn shouted. "Jeeeennxxpeeennnn!!!" I mimicked. "What you gotta love pizza!?"

We all sat down and decided to watch a horror movie.I sat on the floor in between Matt and Lauren.Matt put his arm around me and I looked at him and he was shirtless.I stared at his abs and he noticed me.

He pushed my hand away."I know you like it but please stop staring like that." As a joke I leant in to kiss him and see what his reaction was. "Seriously." he said.

"I was only joking." I replied. "Okay." He said.Then it was an awkward silence between the two of us.Jenn and Lauren were screaming because of the movie.They were laughing too though.

after a while a decided to go to they all said goodnight and I looked back to notice Matt staring.Then he turned away.

*the next morning*

I woke up and heard Matt on the phone."Okay okay you can come if you want.chill." Who was he talking to?I guess he didn't go home last night then.

I got up and had some breakfast and then Matt walked over to me."Another friend of mine is coming with us if that's okay.She's called Dani."
"A girl?Oh ok.Im not the only the one then." I said and faked a giggle.Then went to get ready.

After I'd showered,got dressed curled my hair and done my makeup I was finally ready. I grabbed some money and put it in my pocket read to go.

We walked to Matts house and he drove us to some woods."Omg I remember this.When we found twenty dollars and had a picnic.That was a good day."

"I miss them days." He said as
We got out of the car. "How are gonna get through?They've blocked it off." I asked. "Go through that little gap down there. "No way!" I refused.

"Come on Zoe we both know you will because you have no other choice."
"Ugh Fine!" I moaned.Which made him laugh. "Stubborn Zoe."

We walked under big branches and over fallen trees and in MUD!!! "EEWWE!" I squealed and Matt just stood their laughing his butt off.

As we walked further and further into the woods I could hear talking.The I saw people.I saw Sammy!We walked over to them and greeted them.

"ZOE!!!" Sammy yelled and hugged me tightly. "I haven't seen you in a long time" I said. "I know it's good to have you here." He said.

I sat by Sammy on a log because Matt had gone and sat by another girl. "Okay that's Zoe." He pointed at me. "This is Dani,Chris and Dyaln."

"Hey Zoe!" Dylan said. "Hello Zoe." Chris said. I just said hi back. But the other girl,Dani stayed silent.She just stared at me.I didn't understand her problem with me.

Then she kissed Matt."Love you." She said.WHAT!Matt looked down and floor really embarrassed.He blushed.Okay so wow.No need to get Angry Zoe.I told myself.So that's who he was really on the phone.

I get it now he was saying okay okay and stuff because he didn't want her to come but she insisted on coming.Right that makes more sense now.

Then I couldn't take it anymore.So I decided to sneakily play one of my ring tones while they were talking and pretend someone was calling me.

"Be righ-t b-ack.I struggled to say it but then I managed and they understood someone was calling me.Sammy knew something was up because he asked if I was okay but I ignored him.

Once I got out of site I started runny I don't know where but I just ran a little further and tripped.Ouch.I fell over rock and started crying.No not because I because Matt had moved on.I know I couldn't expect him not too.But it was hard.

I still really loved Matt.I was staying here forever,but now I had no chance.
then I saw Sammy run over to me.He picked me up."Zoe it's okay.You can't always love the same person forever.And you've been gone for two years.How do you think he felt.Lonely?"

"I was lonely and I never moved on." I said. "I know Zoe but you just gotta understand that he's moved on and you should too." He said.
"I'll try."

So my eyes were probably red from crying and they probably knew what had happened when I got back.

"Zoe what's wrong!?" Matt asked. "Is she okay??" Dylan said. "I'm fine!" I said.

Later on we went to my house to get some stuff.I didn't really want Danj in my house but oh well.Something weird was going on.She kept looking around at things and she asked how old I was and she took a selfie with me?Withought warning me.She asked what number my house was."Sorry gotta take this call." And she nervously walked off."

"Gonna tell me your name now??"
What?I was scared so I said "Zoe!I'm 17 Iive ________ ____ road, number ___. Yes.Uh huh." Then I walked outside." Let's wait by the door." and I pulled the boys out.

I walked out the back to find my can't but instead,I found a black van pull out by my back.Weird. "Hi Zoe." The strange man said. I started to walk fast down my stairs then withought me noticing he jumped over the wall and grabbed my shoulder."Your not going anywhere."

"What did she tell you on the phone!" I shouted.Then he looked at me weirdly. "You mean what did you tell me."

I struggled to move Intried to get away but he was too strong. "I wouldn't dare try." He said. I screamed for help and then I heard Sammy calling for me. "COME TO MY BACK QUICK HELP!!!!!!" I shouted. Then he tied my hands together,put sticky tape on my mouth and threw me into the back of the van.I looked out the window and saw The boys and Dani running over to the van.The van was too fast and went away.

"Okay it was a black van with 'Shiney' and written on it in yellow.In like a bubble.Maybe it's a company!" I said.

Yeh I know this was a long chapter thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. 💕

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