Chapter 4

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I swear you can't trust anyone.Not even our best friend.You can't even them a simple secret otherwise they would tell EVERYONE like they ready have.

Two boring weeks to do whatever.It was the school holidays so I could go
out whenever.But today I had a lazy day.I couldn't be bothered to do anything so I watched movies all day.It was good.I was glad to have no school because I hate school.

Later on I rang Nash to see if he wanted to come down and he said yeh so he came.I heard a knock on the door and knew it was obviously him so K went downstairs and opened it. "Hey!" I said! "Hi!" Nash replied. We walked upstairs and started talking about random things.

I started putting on all my onzies to see what Nash thought.Lol it was funny.I put on a tiger onzie,a bear onzie,another bear onzie,a cow onzie,a pig onzie,a star onzie,a dog onzie and a sheep onzie.I love onzies!It was fun trying them all on.After that,I just shoved them all under my bed.Somehow I fell in my sheep onzie and hit my head.
I woke up in my bed with Nash sitting there watching tv.He looked at me straight away. "You okay?" He asked. "Um yeh I think." I said. "Wait what happened?" "You were trying on onzies and fell.I don't know how though."
He said. He started to laugh so I hit his shoulder.

"Not funny." I said. 'Ring Ring!' It was Cam calling Nash. "Hey dude!Wannu come out?" He said. "Come over Zoe's I'm there." Nash said.

All of a sudden I saw my brother Joe walk in. "Alright guys!" He said and came and sat down. "Move!Get out!" I shoved him.He sat in my chair trying to annoy me. "Joe move go call Caspar or something now!Dont you wannu see him?" I said. "Who do you like better me or Caspar?" He said. "I don't know hahah!" I replied.

How can I choose between Caspar and Joe.Probably Caspar because he isn't really my brother,even though he's like one,but for some reason Joe hasn't bothered me all week.Weird.
For the rest of the week I just walked around town and stuff with Nash and Cam because I didn't know what els to do.

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