Faze One

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"We have an opening in croas daile neighborhood for the semester, those are really upscale home, students normally stick to the financial aide campus housing due to the cost of tuition and out of states fee"

"I see you do have an academic scholarship and you do qualify for a pell grant for graduating on time and also graduating in the top percentage of your class Mr. Johnson"

she said as she looked up at me removing her glasses from her face.

"You do understand that your tuition will cost you close to ten thousand a semester, your financial aide covers eighty five percent of that leaving you to pay two thousand out of pocket to cover each semester and that's with the student housing"

"if you choose to take another rout getting the house you will have to pay for that out of pocket and we don't help finance that?" She said as she pulled a clipboard from her desk placing it in front of me.

"Yes, I know I'll take the one that was shown to me during student week orientation. It's reserved under Mr.Ronaldo" I said as I signed my acceptance letter for my financial aide.

Handing her back the clip board checking my phone for the time. She grabbed the clipboard turning back to the computer screen typing in my information.

It was over two hundred students waiting in line to accept their financial aide for the semester. The girl next to me kelp looking over smiling at me, but I pretended like I didn't notice.

"Okay Mr.Johnson you're set, your housing will cost you thirteen-fifty a month for each semester that you're here which brings you to a total of Fifteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars how would you like to make this payment ?"

"This money will cover the whole semester so after you pay this all bills will be paid on the house, you're responsible for your own meal plan since you didn't choose one or would you like to add that on?" She asked as I reached in my bag pulling out my credit card.

"How much are the meal plans ?" I asked looking behind me as everybody was starring at me like I was crazy. I heard a guy take a deep sigh for me to hurry.

"Twelve hundred a semester" she said pulling her glasses to her nose, "okay add it" I said trying to hurry. She giggled a little than handed me another paper to sign.

"Your parents must love you a lot" she mumbled as i handed her the clip board back. "Something like that, but I'm paying for this myself" I said pulling out my wallet.

"Alright, your total is eighteen thousand for this semester. Six thousand is which you'll be paying out of pocket for housing, Do you agree with everything you've said?"

"If so swipe your card and sign on the pad the total display on the screen above your head" she said as I swiped my card signing where she asked me to.

"Just like that huh?" She said smiling at me letting off another soft giggle. "What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused putting my wallet back into my bag.

"You're a freshman who just spent six thousand on a house for a semester without any hesitation ? Are you sure this is what you want to do?" She said turning the screen towards me.

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