Middle of Things

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"We've been waiting on you, didn't want to make the toast without my boyfriend best friend" Lura said as I walked into the living room.

Daniel roommate was standing next to Nancy and two other people. "Here this is for you" Patrick said handing me the shot glass as Daniel looked over to me.

I tried not to smile at him as he did the same. "Here's to you D!, you're the brother I've always wanted ! Glad I've had the opportunity to be your roommate and just have you around my dude ! So here's to your 21st birthday nigga"

Patrick said hitting Daniel shot glass with his, "wait" Lura roommate screamed out smiling then flipping her hair.

"Now Daniel you know we started off rough because I thought you wanted my girl for all the wrong reasons"

she said with her lips pocked out, "but you're actually totally different from what I thought, so here's to you and all you've accomplished, I'm glad I'm able to stand here with you on this special day to celebrate your birthday so cheers bitches" she said laughing throwing her shot glass in the air.

We all laughed as Daniel shook his head, Lura grabbed his hand then asked us all to sit down while they stood there.

"August 29, the first time I seen you in vocal lessons, you were the first to introduce yourself and the teacher asked us to sing a song that meant a lot to us and you sung"

"Maxwell - lifetime" you stole my heart" she said as I looked over to Daniel who was staring at her smiling from ear to ear.

"I knew from that day you was the man for me, and I took the chance to ask you out, which I never do but I knew I had to be the first to get you"

she said laughing as everybody else chuckled but me. "Daniel, you're truly amazing and I'm glad that I'm able to stand here with you for your birthday and many more to come, I love you " she said as she grabbed his face kissing him.

I wanted to get up and throw up, my stomach had completely turned upside down, I choked a little from my spit causing Lura to look over at me.

"Jordan would you like to finish this off?" She asked smiling at me. "No it's fine cheers" I said shaking my head. "No, no say something"

She looked at me as they sat down, I stood up facing everyone taking a deep breath as Daniel looked up at me, he looked me into my eyes as my breathing got calmer.

"I'm not sure how to start this off, but Daniel you've always been by my side through it all, you're a friend I thought I would never run into and I did."

"At a point of time I thought I wouldn't see you again and that kinda hurt me" I said laughing as they laughed too.

It was a  laugh to hide the pain I was feeling at that moment. "You're amazing, you're so talented , you're a gift from above and I wouldn't trade what we have for anything, honestly"

I stopped as I felt my emotions starting to get the best of me. "I love you, always will and I'm happy for you and your new special woman" I said with a fake smile holding up my shot glass as they all stood up.

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