Oh sweet duke Unv

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Summer was starting to wrap up, as things back home were slowly but surely getting back to normal.

I hadn't been home much due to the renovation my mom is doing so she could sale the house. Chris asked me to stay with him until he leaves for duke university.

Renzo and kaylann found a nice high-rise condo in uptown towards the galleria area. Deon eventually moved back home to Cali, which left me here alone.

I hadn't seen my dad in a few weeks, however we've been keeping in contact talking every other day.

He informed me that he did get his old job back with a nice promotion, Becoming the Vice President of the company.

Glad his counseling is paying off, giving him back that positive mindset. I tell you this had to be one of the craziest summers of my life.

Laying in bed browsing through Twitter as Chris was asleep next to me. My stomach growled due to the fact I haven't been eating much.

I didn't have any money and I hated asking Chris for money. He've done enough for me already, and honestly not being able to provide for myself was starting to kill me in the inside.

I thought about asking my brother, but I knew he had a lot on his plate already. Staying in uptown wasn't cheap, and him and his wife are expecting another baby last time I spoke to him.

I have a trust fund I can't touch until I graduated high school, and to top everything off, i didn't have any transportation.

I had no other choice but to hit my mom up for a loan as which she would call it, but that came with so much extra work.

Which is why I didn't want to ask her, but living like this wasn't the life I imagined for myself.

Exiting out of Twitter going through my contacts to find my mom number.


To: Mom
["GoodMorning, I know it's pretty late [2:35am] to be exact. I passed the house the other day and noticed the renovation you were doing to sale it.

We agreed that I would stay there until they finish but it's just been too much to handle with all the construction.

You've been out of town for the past two weeks. I miss you, hope everything is going good out there.

Oh yeah congratulation on receiving your PhD. I got your picture and your email ! I hate to ask you this because I know how you are when it comes to money ... Lol ....

But I'm in need, I have no car ... I literally have 12.45$ to my name. I'm not use to this *sigh...* *screams HELP*. Anything you give I'll be grateful for ! Okay goodnight love you".



Really didn't like asking her for anything, I had to put on this front just to get it. Be extra sweet and fake towards my own mom.

It was sad, she got the house renovated when I left that week after the big family fight, she called me and told me about it.

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