Brothers Keeper #1

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Kristopher POV:

People would think growing up with parents that are the same sex is un'normal, but me? It didn't bother me as much. I never got the chance to meet my mom. My dad has shown me pictures of her that he keeps in the photo book. She's beautiful, I see where I got part of my looks from. I chuckled out loud thinking about this as my grandma pulled up to the house. She looked over at me smiling. Cameron was asleep in the backset, Jordan and my dad decided they needed a vacation so they're away in Paris.

           "Bro get up we're here" I shouted slapping cam on the leg. "Dude, you don't have to hit me to wake me up, can't wait until pops get back, I swear I'm telling on you". Cam yelled back as I bucked at him. Ugh, he was a typical young brother I swear. Every chance he got he worked my nerves. "Always telling, nigga you're eleven now grow up, such a kid I swear" I said getting out the car closing my door. My grandma had already made it into the house as me and cam grabbed our bags. "Chulo, put that in your papa old room, that's where you boys will be sleeping, it's the last room on the right" my nana yelled in her thick Dominican accent.

         "Why we couldn't just stay home" I mumbled to myself as I dragged my bag down to the room she sent us to. "Move cam gesh" I grunted at him as he rushed passed me pushing me into the door. "Shut up" he yelled back as I throw my backpack at him. "Haha you missed chicken butt" he said laughing sticking his tongue out at me. "You're annoying man get out" I mumbled grabbing his shirt dragging him to the door forcing him out, as he punched me in my stomach. His punches didn't hurt so I didn't bother to hit him back.

I sighed as I flopped on my dad bed looking around the room to all his basketball posters and trophies. "Man! pops did it like this back in the day" I mumbled to myself looking around the room. The room door bust open as cam rand in screaming. "Nana said come here" he said running back out the room as I slowly walked behind him. "What do she want" I mumbled as I turned the corner walking into her room on the other side of the house. "Your father is on the phone here" she said with her hand out holding the phone. I reached for it putting it to my ear.

Incoming Call; Christiano
"Jr didn't we have this talk before we left?" He spat at me as I looked over to cam who was sitting at the end of my nana bed pouting. "Da.." I replied before he cut me off. "Don't dad me, spend time with your brother!" He demanded as I sighed through the phone. "Jr, he's been through a lot he just wants some attention can you at least do that as a bigger brother" he spat as I started to feel bad. "Okay, fine" I said hanging up the phone.

         Cam and I didn't have the best relationship, yeah he's my adopted brother, I do anything for the boy, protect him like I should. I mean I do love him, I'll kill for him if it came down to it. He's just so annoying ! "C'mon cam" I grunted at him as he smiled really hard.

Cameron's POV:
        "Are you mad at me?" , I assumed he was from the way he was looking. He's my brother, just didn't understand why he didn't want to play with me anymore now. A few years back everything was good, now that he's older he just pushes me away now.

Kristopher POV:

         "No, you're just annoying bro" I said looking down at him as we walked out the door. "Well if you talk to me more and play with me I wouldn't be, it's your job as my brother" he said tilting his head looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Unless you don't want to be my brother anymore" he continued looking away from me, watching his shadow. I sighed grabbing him by his shoulder turning him around facing me. "Cameron, I love you alright bro. I'll do anything to protect you man, but you are annoying" I said laughing. "It's just time to grow just a little you're not six anymore alright! Just wished you acted the way you looked, " I said as he laughing at me. "why are you laughing" I asked letting him go. "Dad told me that last month, I don't look my age, that's not my fault I'm only eleven. I really didn't get a childhood you know" he said before he took off running towards the park. "So annoying" I whispered shaking my head taking a seat on the Bench.

          It looked as if it was going to rain soon, but I let cam finish playing before I pulled him away. I scrolled through my phone playing a few games. I glanced up a few times to make sure cam was okay. "Cam !" I screamed out as he came sliding down running towards me. "C'mon it's drizzling we have to get back to nana" I said as he smacked his lips at me. "It's just water" he spat back as I ignored his comment walking off. "Cam c'mon ! Why do you have to be such a kid at times" I yelled as he stumped towards me. "Why do you have to be such a ...." He paused. "Wish I had another brother" he mumbled walking a few steps in front of me.
"Wish I could say the same brat " I mumbled back.
            Summer lag . . . .

Sometimes I hated being the older one, everything fell on me when it came to cam. Seems as everything was about him, Christmas cam gets everything, literally ! His birthday, just normal days. He's treated like a baby which is why he is the way he is. My nana just spoiled him like a baby. I finished packing my bag and his as my nana took us to the airport. She kissed cam cheek as the man took our bags. She walked up to me with a box in her hand. "Take care of yourself Chulo , don't be so nasty towards your brother. Family is all we have and we stick together" she said rubbing my face. "I love you, this is for you "  she said handing me the small box.

          "No way" I gasped looking up at her. It was the chain i asked for on my birthday that I thought she didn't get. "Good things come to those who wait, visit me soon okay" she said as we walked towards our terminal. I looked back through the glass to her pulling off. We made it to our destination as we took our seat. I was just ready to get back home to my room, my girl and my friends. Within forty-five min into the flight cam was already asleep. I didn't bother to sleep, I starred out the window the whole flight watching the clouds. Once I seen the overview of California a smile flew across my face. "Thank god" I sighed as I tapped cam shoulder waking him up.

        "We're home" I whispered as he jumped up looking out the window putting all his weight on my leg. "Okay okay, that's enough you're heavy boy" I said pulling him up. Once the plane landed everything felt back to normal, until I seen my parents approaching. I'm not sure what was going on with them but I know it's something. They've been avoiding each other for a while which is why they went on vacation. I know Jordan mom passed a few years ago and that hit him pretty hard. I remember waking up seeing him crying with my dad on the floor.

        "Papa" I heard cam scream as he rand into Jordan arms. "Sup dad" I said as Chris pulled me in kissing my head. "Had fun?" He asked as I heard Jordan and cam talking. "Yeah it was pretty cool". ,"I see you got the chain you wanted" Jordan said rubbing my head. "Yeah, nana finally got it, how was the trip?" I asked as I heard my dad clear his throat. "Interesting" Jordan said looking at me than back to him. "But we're fine". He said as we got into the car. I kinda knew where this was going and that's what I was hopping wouldn't happen. I've overheard them speak about a divorce but I don't think they would go through with it.

          From the stories they've told us, my dad has put him through a lot and he's still here so that's always good right?. We pulled up to the house as I jumped out the car running towards the door unlocking it flopping on the floor. "Home" I screamed out as Jordan laughed. "Boy get up" he said walking pass me. "Hey dad can we talk?" I asked as he turned towards me. "Yeah? What's on your mind?" He asked as I walked up closer to him. "Are you and my dad okay?" I asked as he just looked at me. "We will be, don't worry okay. I'm not leaving you anytime soon. I love you alright" he said. "Alright, love you too".

   ~ No Worries ~

           It was becoming a normal thing for them to tell us "not to worry" ourselves when it came to their marriage. I guess it was the right thing to say, whatever it is I'm sure they will get through it. . . .  That's what family do right? Work through things . . .

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