You Gotta Change

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That's how I envision Sheri.



"Leda! Leda! Wake up the house is on fire!"

"What?!" I yelled and jumped out of bed. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and wallet.

We ran out of the house to see firefighters coming in.

"Can you tell me why the house is on fire?!" I turned to Jacky and that girl from the supermarket, Sheri.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to cook breakfast..." She spoke up.

I turned to Jacky to see him shaking his head in agreement.

I rolled my eyes at them and then turned back to the house.

A man came out and turned to us . "Nothing got burned badly, it's safe to go back in." I nodded and walked straight to my room and went back to sleep. It's too early for me.

Earlier That Day


I woke up to Sheri smiling in my face. I smiled a little and sat up.
"Morning babe." "Morning."

I stood and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. "I'm gonna take a shower." "Okay. I'll start making breakfast."

*skipping because writer is lazy*

I set the hairbrush down on my dresser and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. "Jacky!" Sheri smiled and began to kiss me. The kiss deepened and she went to remove my shirt.

Beep beep beep beep beep.

The smoke detector went on and I pulled away quickly to see the whole stovetop engulfed in flames. "Aggh!" Sheri exclaimed and threw a dishrag on there out of panic. The fire spread and I went to grab the fire extinguisher but it wasn't there.
I ran back into the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. Even after I tried to exinguish it, the fire spread.

"Let's get out of here! I already called the fire department." Sheri said and pulled on my arm.
"Leda's in her room!" I said and turned to the staircase. "No! Jacky don't! It's too dangerous. Leave her."

"I'll be okay." I said and ran up the stairs. I grabbed Leda and we walked outside.

What did she mean by 'leave her'?

Best Friends Or Something More?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon