Bring Out The Ice Cream

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"Bye." I waved as Jacky's car pulled out of the driveway.
I sighed as I walked into the house. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a new tub of sherbert ice cream, along with a spoon.

I put on a random movie and began to eat.


"...I love you." The guy on the screen said. "Liar!"

"Pick up the phone..." "What?!" I yelled into my phone. "Damn. What's wrong?" Kimmy asked.
"Jacky's on a date." "What? No! Ryan said Jacky was 'in love' with you." "Well...obviously he doesn't."

"Shut up. How about we go out tonight?" "Uh...I don't know." "Oh come on, it'll just be Ronnie, Ryan, Derek, and I."

"Fine." I said after a long moment of hesitation. "Yay! Ok! I'll be at your place with the guys in an hour."


"Hi!!" Sheri waved. I waved back and joined her at our table. "So, who was that girl at the store with you?" She asked. "Oh. That was Leda, my best friend. Maybe one day I'll take you home to meet her." "You guys live together?" "Yeah."

"Okay..." She said and drank a sip of her water. "Is there anything between you guys?" "No."

Back To Leda

"Where's Jacky?" Ryan asked. Kimmy smacked him and he looked at her with a sad expression. "He's out on a date." I said and walked ahead of everyone. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Lighten up." Ronnie stated and drapped his arm over my shoulders.

"I have some good news." "What?" "I got a date on Match, we're meeting at a restaurant on Saturday." "Ronnie that's awesome!" I exclaimed and we shared a quick hug. "I'm happy for you and I hope your date goes great."


"I'm so tired." I said as all of us piled into Ronnie's car. "Same." They all said, well except for Ryan, he was practically jumping in his seat. "You guys are tired. I'm not tired."

We all groaned as he started singing along to ACDC obnoxiously. "Shut the hell up!" Derek yelled and he calmed down a bit.

Ronnie stopped in front of Jacky and I's place and I got out of the car. "Bye guys." "Bye."

I unlocked the front door and was surprised that Jacky still wasn't home. "Whatever." I stated to myself and went to bed.

The Next Morning

"Leda! Leda! Wake up!" Jacky yelled in my face. "The house is on fire!!"

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