Do You Want To Hang Out?

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The Next Day

"Leda! Wake up!" Mayra yelled as she jumped on my bed. "Go to hell!" I pulled the covers over me and groaned as she began to poke me.

"Pick up the phone! Answer your texts!" My phone rang.

"Ooh! What's this?" Mayra asked and she picked up my phone. "Who's Jacky?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Give it!" My eyes became huge and I sat up quickly.

"Hello? Ya. She's in bed. She's being lazy..." "Give it back!!" I tackled her to the floor and wrestled my phone from her hands. "Heey Jacky, what's up?"

He chuckled and then cleared his throat. "Do you want to hang out?" "I thought you were going to Philadelphia?"

"We were but our bus broke down and I want to get to know you more." "Umm...okay sure but I just woke up so let me get ready." "Leda, you do know it's like three in the afternoon, right?" "So? I like to sleep. Sue me." He laughed and then cleared his throat. "I'll text you the address to the hotel we're at."

"Okay. I'll see you later." "Bye." He hung up and I jumped up from the floor. "Ooh. Leda's got a date!!" "Shut up." I slapped my sister and ran out of my room to the bathroom.


"Hey." I waved at Jacky. "Leda!" He pulled me into a hug, which earned wolf whistles from the rest of FIR. "Shut up!" Jacky flipped them all of and he pulled me into the hotel room. "Okay spill."

"What?" I asked. "Tell me about yourself." "What do you want to know?" "Everything."


"Pizza!!" Ryan yelled and Jacky pulled me into the kitchen on the bus. "Mmm!" Ronnie moaned as he took a bite of the delicious food. "Don't have sex with your food now." Derek joked, which resulted in all of us laughing.

"Hey Leda, do you want to play Modern Warfare with us?" Derek asked me. Before I could answer, Jacky grabbed me.

"My Leda." Jacky pouted and the guys raised their hands in the air innocently. He pulled me into the living room and pushed me onto the couch softly. "We," he pointed at us. "Are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas." I smiled and he did the same.

"You know, you're one of the only people who actually want my friendship." I stated which made Jacky turned to look at me. "Really?" I nodded and played with my hands. "Everyone thinks I'm not worth the time."

"Well I don't believe that. You know, I don't give my number out to anyone."

"Why did you anyway?" "Because you intrigue me."

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