It's Been Awhile

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Two Months Later

I smiled to myself as I thought of surprising Alix. Today is his birthday and I'm gonna throw a party for him.

I set down the bags I had with all the decorations on the floor and quietly opened the bus.

"More! More!" I heard a girl yell. Um..awkward... I was about to leave the bus when I heard his name. "Alix!" Oh hell no!!

I ran quickly to see them, Alix biting her neck. She looked up and saw me, fear written in her eyes. "Alix..." She pointed at me and he slowly turned.

"Leda, I can explain!" He yelled and jumped off of her.

"Jacky was right!! Don't ever talk to me again!" I ran to the back of the bus and grabbed all my things. "We're through!" I slammed the door to the bus and wheeled my bags to who knows where. Eventually the tears that were threatening to fall succeeded and I stopped my journey to the unknown.

I fell to my knees and cried out.


I heard footsteps and didn't even try to seem like everything was okay because truth is nothing's okay.

"Leda? Leda. What happened? Why are you crying? Why do you have your bags?" Jacky questioned. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him. "You were right."

"He c-cheated on me...with my sister, Mayra."

"Come on. Let's get you on the bus." He grabbed my bags and we walked onto the FIR bus.

"Leda!!" Ryan ran to me and tried to hug me but then realized the state I was in. "What happened?"
"Alix. He cheated on her." "With my sister!!" I yelled and ran into my old bunk.

Why is it always me? I asked myself once again.

I stood up and walked into the restroom and reached into the medicene cabinet. I found my tiny make up bag I forgot here and dumped everything out on the floor.

"It's been awhile old friend..."

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