Oh My God

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Jacky's P.O.V. (*gasps*)

I awoke with a horrible headache and no memories of anything that happened last night. All I know is I went to a club.

I stood up from my bunk and waited for the dizzyness to calm down a bit before walking into the kitchen and grabbing some painkillers. (Three Days Grace!!)

"Morning." The guys all stared at me like if I had just killed someone. "Fine." I shrugged and started to make myself some breakfast. "So you're just gonna act like nothing happened?" Derek spoke up after a long uncomfortable silence.

"What happened? I don't remember anything."

"Are you serious?" Ronnie asked.
I nodded and then noticed Leda wasn't in the room, which was weird. She would've been up by now. "Where's Leda?"

They all sighed and yelled "Not it!" "Again." Ryan said. "Not it!" "Not it!" Derek yelled which made Ronnie curse.

"So...last night...was eventful."
He began. "What do you mean?"

He sighed and continued.

"It all started when you brought a girl here..."


"Oh my god....where is she?! I have to apologize!!" "Jacky calm down bro, she'll be back tomorrow." "No! I need her now!" "Dude calm down."

"No! I won't calm down. She's with Alix isn't she?!" The guys quieted down and I had my answer. "Why is she even with him? He's a player. He probably doesn't even love her as much as I do." I said and then everything went black.

***** (sorry)

I woke up once again but this time I knew what had happened.

I covered my face with my hands. Why didn't I just ask her to be my girlfriend? She would've been here with me, smiling that beautiful smile. God I wish she was here. Instead, she's with Alix.


"You're so adorable. I'm glad your mine." Alix said, which made me blush. "Shut up."

"Hey, how about you stay here for the rest of the tour?"

"Stay. Stay. Stay!!" Manny, Kevin, and Alister cheered. "Sure. Why not." I shrugged and they all pulled me in for a hug.



I took a deep breath and knocked on FIR's bus. "Hey Leda. You didn't even have to knock." Ronnie smiled and let me in.

"Where's your bag?" He asked. "Um..I left it on Ghost Town's bus...because I'm staying with them for the rest of the tour."

"WHAT?!" Derek and Ryan said in unison. "Yeah. I'm bunking with Alix." I stated and went to the extra bunk with all our suitcases. "Leda, can I talk to you...in private?" Jacky appeared.

I hesitated but eventually nodded. He looked the bunk area door and motioned me to sit.

"Look. I'm so sorry about last night, I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on. There's one thing I did remember though. When I raised my hand and thought I was gonna hit you.

I'll never hurt you. Okay."

"You already did." I said. "I'll do anything for you to forgive me."
I looked to the ground and saw a tear land on the floor.

I looked up to see Jacky with a pleading look on his face.
"I forgive you but please...don't ever do that again." HE pulled me into a hug and I gladly hug him back. "I promise."

We pulled away and he asked the dreaded question. "So you're going to stay on the bus?"

"No Jacky. I'm with Alix and it won't help our relationship if we're on separate buses." His face fell and he mumbled some words.

"What?" "Nothing. I'm gonna miss you." He smiled. "So am I."

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