Extra Chapter

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The Prince of Corona Kingdom was quietly walking through the hall. The servants bow their heads in respect as he passed by. He was holding a document securely in his hands.

As he reached the Queen's chamber, he twisted the knob to open it without even bothering to knock at the door. He entered inside getting the attention of the Queen of Arendelle that's was laying on the queen size bed and the Gerda who was fixing the pillow on the headboard so that the Queen can sit comfortably while leaning on the headboard.

"I want to speak with the Queen alone," He said as he watched the servant do her job.

The Queen smiled gently to Gerda as she took a step back and bows then she looked at the Prince and bows too. The Prince just nodded and his eyes followed the servant as she left the Queen's chamber.

"How are you doing?" he asked the Queen still looking at the door making sure no one is listening outside the room.

"I'm doing great" the Queen answered weakly.

He looked at the Queen and immediately went to the side of the bed putting the document on the table near her bed, "Are you okay?" he worriedly asked as he saw her cringed looking at the white bandage in her left chest, "You should know how much stress you've given to my wife after we receive the news that you are critically injured."

"I'm okay" she breathes deeply.

"You should not move too much" He scolded her. She just smiled and leaned in the pillow while closing her eyes. He moved the blanket to cover her body, "Maybe this is not a perfect time to discuss you with something."

A few months ago, she got shot and was in critical condition when she was brought to the hospital. Thankfully, the doctors in the palace are skillful and led by Rapunzel, the Crowned Princess in the Corona Kingdom that they manage to save her. The doctors recommend her a full rest so that she can recover fast.

"No, it's fine. We should discuss it whatever it is" she immediately responded still her eyes were closed. She was curious about what that thing is, that brought Raps' husband here in Arendelle. She felt her bed dip beside her. When she didn't get a response from him, she opens her eyes and looked at him. She gasped and her eyes were shot wide open as she saw a small laceration in his lips with dried blood on it. "What happen to you?"

"Do you really want to know that?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know"

He sighed, "Your husband did this"


"I said your husband was the one who did this" he repeated pointing at his wound in the lips.

"Jack?" she couldn't believe it.

"Do you have any other husband other than Jack?" He asked sarcastically.

"Haha, funny" She rolled her eyes, "Seriously, since when this happens?"

"Last week" he shortly answered.

"Last week?" she frowned.

He sighed again, "You should have seen him." He looked her in the eyes, "He is a mess, Elsa. He looked lost."

Elsa averted her eyes. "I can't"

"You can't or you couldn't?" He asked, "What's stopping you from seeing him?"

"I'm scared." She honestly answered.

"Scared of what?" He frowned.

She shook her head, "Don't you understand? He hates a liar." She looked at him, "I already lied to him twice and I couldn't bear to see hate in his face as he looked at me"

"What the bloody hell are you thinking?!" He exasperatedly stood up, "Don't you realized it? Elsa" he raised his hand gesturing at the window as if pointing to something, "that man loves you so much. He is crazy in love with you!" Elsa looked down at her hands. "He endures the pain of losing you. He even begs Pabbie to permit him to build a mausoleum and a proper burial even though he is not allowed to look at the casket but we both know he is grieving to no one because in the very start the casket is empty."

Elsa tightly closed her eyes, he is right. She knows all of it because Grand Pabbie was always reporting and monitoring Jack's every move.

He sat again in the bed beside her shaking his head. "Last week, I went to the mausoleum because I want to talk to him and tell him the truth." Elsa snaps to look at him. "But when I got there, he just charges towards me and hit me right in the jaw. I can still see in his eyes that he is still jealous and couldn't forget the scene where he saw you with me" he paused, "I pity that man that's why I want to tell him the truth that you are alive and I don't want to see you in dazed as if you are not here." He sighed, "I just want to end your suffering. I just didn't know who the fool between the two of you is?" He put his hands on her hands, "You need to stop his suffering"

Elsa shut her mouth and looked down again making him annoyed at her action.

"Why are you so being difficult" He was annoyed. He stood up and took the documents to the table then he drops them in her lap. Elsa looks up at him frowning. "You just need a little push"

Her frowned deepen as she couldn't understand what he was saying. She curiously opens the document. "What is this?" She asked as she read the entire document.

"Marriage certificate" He answered with disinterest.

Her mouth keeps open and closed as if she was lost for words while reading and reading the document over and over again. Jack's and her name was written in it and there's even a signature there.

"And oh, that's a real marriage certificate" he added.

"How?" she didn't remember signing any marriage certificate.

"So slow" He rolled his eyes. "You two signed it without reading it. Grand Pabbie put it under the fake marriage certificate"

"Why would Grand Pabbie do this?" Now she remembered that Grand Pabbie gave them a fake marriage certificate to sign it which she thought was unnecessary but she quickly dismissed that thought.

"Why don't you ask that to your devious sister?"

"Anna did this?" She asked in disbelieve. "Why would she did this?"

"Anna already planned this before Grand Pabbie informs you about the new case" he crossed his arms in his chest. "Anna asked for my help to help her to find Jack because she thought he was the right man for you, then blah... blah... blah." He paused. "Then she came up with this plan to pair you up with him in the case. Grand Pabbie. Rapunzel and I strongly disagree with this plan because we both know that is dangerous and we didn't even who is this Jack" he looked at the window, "but you know how persistent your sister is. She keeps pestering me in my office until I agreed to her plan."

"Everything went smoothly according to the plan." He looked at her, "but we didn't anticipate this" He gestured to her condition. "Anna blamed herself and never left your side when you were almost unconscious for more than 3 weeks."

Elsa still couldn't digest everything. Anna did this for her.

"Your sister loves you that she is willing to take a risk for you to be with your happiness which is him" he paused, "You should thank your sister for that"

He bends down and wipes the tears that flow from her eyes to her cheeks. "Now, be a good girl" he hummed, "Just focus yourself on recovering so you can face him with a smile"

Elsa nodded.

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