❤︎✧1✧❤︎ Bullies

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"Here you go, Natasha." Maria handed Natasha a wholemeal sandwich packed in a plastic box as she sat down next to her at the bench.

"Thanks, Maria." Natasha smiled sweetly and moved further in to make space for her friend.

Noisy chatter and laughs were heard across the table as Natasha and her friends ate recess.

Darcy was busy talking about some cute guy she followed on Instagram that she suspected was from the next class, while Jane just pretended to look interested, stealing glances at Thor occasionally.

"Oh my god, look at this photo of his cat, as cute as he is!" Squealed Darcy as she scrolled through the guy's feed and showed Jane the posts.

Thor and Steve were talking about the team they had just beaten at the basketball semi-finals the day before.

"Steve, my man, we'll kick ass and win the championship!" Boomed Thor and Steve chuckled in acknowledgement.

Tony and Bruce were discussing some research paper they had to complete, while Maria and Pepper gossiped about some of the girls around school who were too arrogant for their liking.

Natasha and Clint ate quietly, occasionally giggling when they heard their friends say something funny. It was typical.

Natasha was always the quiet and shy girl who would only smile sweetly at everyone, as if she didn't have any energy to talk out loud, which was true to a certain extent.

Clint was this quiet and shy boy that preferred to listen rather than talk. He didn't have much input in any conversations except maybe a few chuckles and nods. He would often scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment when he didn't know what to say.

The lighthearted atmosphere was soon disrupted by a loud, low voice, followed by ungentlemanly laughter.

"Hey sweetheart, my group just happens to need another member for the project, care to join us?" Joseph Lanier teased and his friends chuckled.

Natasha shrunk in her seat and looked away. Everyone knew Joseph and his gang were always trying to hit on her, so they all sprang up from their seats in her defense.

"Woah, must you all overreact?" Joseph said sarcastically, the smug grin still not wiped from his face.

"Yeah, we were talking to sweet Natasha, it's none of your business." Jonathan Moore spoke slyly, eyeing Natasha from between her friends.

"Stay away from her, Joseph." Clint hissed, this was the only time he would actually speak up for something.

"Why don't we hear it from Natasha herself?" Ethan Gray spat as he narrowed his eyes at Clint.

Everyone turned to Natasha, who was clearly frightened by the commotion.

She timidly looked up at Joseph and his gang before quickly breaking eye contact, afraid of what she would see in those evil eyes of theirs.

"Go away." She said softly, still refusing to look at them. Her face had paled a little.

Maria put an arm round Natasha before shooting a death glare at the bullies.

"Alright, since our sweetheart has told us to go away, we'll do so. But we'll be back." Joseph held up his hands as if in defeat but directed the last of his words at Natasha, a sly glint in his eyes.

Natasha's friends settled back into their seats.

"Are you alright, Natasha? You look a little pale." Maria asked, concerned.

Natasha nodded and smiled weakly.

Everyone resumed their conversations and food. Natasha nibbled slowly on her sandwich while Clint glanced at her. He was worried.

After recess, they headed back to the classroom for Chemistry lesson.

Natasha took a seat beside Pepper, while Clint and Steve sat across the aisle from her.

"Nat, are you okay? You don't look too good." Clint whispered across the aisle to Natasha, before quickly turning his attention back to his textbook before the teacher could catch him.

He eyed Natasha from the corner of his eye and waited for her response.

"I'm fine, just need to take my medicine." Natasha gave him a smile as she whispered back.

With that, she grabbed her tablets from her bag and downed two of them with a mouth of water.

Clint felt relief settle upon him. He didn't know why, but he felt better knowing Natasha had taken her medicine.

After the last lesson of the day, Natasha and her friends headed to the lobby. A black Mercedes was already waiting, and upon seeing Natasha emerge from the hallway, the chauffeur quickly stepped out and held open the back door.

"Ms Natasha." The chauffeur greeted.

"Good afternoon, Jerome." Natasha smiled before waving goodbye to her friends.

She had wanted to offer Clint a ride home, but he turned down the offer, afraid that Natasha's parents wouldn't like the idea.

"Ms Natasha, how was your day?" Asked Jerome, eyes focused on the road as he drove out of the school.

"It was fine." Natasha answered, a hint of helplessness in her voice.

"Have you taken your medication?"

Natasha nodded and Jerome caught her reflection in the front mirror.

Natasha stared out at the road as buildings passed by swiftly. She thought about what Joseph had said and couldn't help but shudder. He said they would be back for her. She knew her friends would be around for her, but what if they happened to be away? There was no knowing what Joseph and his gang might do to her, at least Clint could be around?

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