Chapter 23: Experience

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Ghirahim’s footsteps echo through the destroyed marble room as he walks down the few steps from the throne to Link. I bang on the barrier again, but nothing happens.

“There, there, calm down sweetie. I’ll get to soon enough,” he says threateningly.

“Link!” I scream. His sword and shield are ready, and he barely flicks his eyes over to us before focusing his sights back on Ghirahim. “Don’t you dare die!” I yell in desperation—we absolutely have to kill Ghirahim. “Let us out, dammit! Let us go!”

Ghirahim snarls. “Know your place, filth.”

I smash my fists into the barrier. “What’s wrong? Scared to take us on all at once?”

“I’ll get to you soon enough,” he repeats with ferocity that quietens me. “Now, focus on what’s in front of you, Scum chosen by the Goddesses. I’ve heard rumors of your strength and skill with a sword, but I want to test the rumor for myself. Is your strength true, or false?”

With that he lunges at Link, who barely puts his sword up in time. The two blades grind against each other and sparks start to fly. They both push, neither one stopping—until suddenly, Ghirahim’s eyes widen and he teleports back to the throne. Link’s blade swings at empty air.

“I suppose I should give you a little backstory before you’re killed.” I roll my eyes. “Then you will see how far my determination has gotten me.”

“Fire away,” I say sarcastically from behind the barrier. I’m not sure if it’s soundproof but he scowls, and then gets a euphoric look and starts his short little story.

“I am not looking to conquer Hyrule or any other kingdom...” he starts. “I’m looking to conquer the world. Which includes the Five Realms of Legend: the Light Realm, which is the one you stand in, the land of Hyrule, where magic and fantasy collide. The Twilight Realm, where the dark parts of every realm combine and criminals are sent. The Sacred Realm, made especially for the Goddesses and Gods of every realm. The Terrae Realm, which is where little Lively One over there is from... Where science and principals overrun magic. And finally, the Underworld Realm, where every living thing from every realm goes to when they die.

“I will own them all—but not on my own. I’m here with the Twilight Mirror to resurrect my master, Demise. Centuries ago, Master’s soul was taken; thrown into the Twilight Realm without mercy. Like the other criminals and humans labelled with doing something indecent, he was meant to be killed by the Twilight. But unlike the other weaklings, he fought against the Twili. Opposed to being killed by those grotesque beings, he slaughtered the lot of them and he remains there, alive.

“But his soul is started to fade. Like a candle, it’s almost snuffed out. He only has a little bit of time to keep his fire going, so I must return him to the light before his life will burn out and disappear. I can communicate with him, of course. He tells me what to do, commands my actions, and I do them without objection. However, Master’s voice has been weaker as of late.

“When he first arrived in the Twilight Realm, courtesy of that royal brat’s predecessors, he informed me that he cursed the princess! Yes, he turned her to an ugly little weak imp, and she fled her people. Can you believe how unfaithful she is to her people? It’s unbelievable.

“And the Goddesses decided to bring a person here to help! No one in Hyrule fit the Triforce of Essence’s specifications, so they dragged some worthless life form here from the Terrae Realm that did accept and qualify for it. That girl isn’t worth anything, she’s just the doll that the Goddesses are controlling for entertainment.

“They even destined her to get some weak sword, which is the rumored ‘Servant of the Goddesses’. There’s a reason it’s called a servant, because she can’t do anything but obey. She can’t even fight—she just turns into a pointless and powerless sword.

“Finally, they labelled some boy with a Triforce much too powerful for him, and called him ‘hero’. Just branded him and sent him to the battlefield, without any preparation. The Goddesses are manipulative, controlling, and arrogant, misuse their powers, and only using them for whatever they want.

“But Master conquered the Twilight Realm, and once I return him here, his lost energy will return to him and Demise shall rule all Five Realms of Legend!” Ghirahim laughs like he heard the best joke on the planet, and it reverberates off the walls and destroyed floors.

Midna looks murderous, and is on the verge of tears. She clearly remembers being cursed by Demise. Link looks absolutely enraged, and his grip on his sword has tightened. Fi looks determined and unmoving, and Zelda has almost lost consciousness. She’s heard every word, but is too exhausted to exhibit any emotional response—and then there’s me. I don’t even know what to do. My hands are pressed against the cool blue barrier, and I just fall to my knees.

The Goddesses aren’t that cruel, are they? Even though we want to object, we know what he said was true, as painful as it is. Ghirahim’s laughs finally die down. “The mirror is slightly run down, though. It requires some power, a jumpstart if you will, to get it going again. A soul, just one soul, would get it in tip-top condition once more. Not any soul, though,” Ghirahim mockingly wags his finger. “A soul imprinted with the Triforce. That’s right, I just need to kill either the Princess, the Hero, or that darling girl you have tried so hard to protect. What was her name again? Sherry? Berry?”

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