Chapter 3: Encounter

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You know how on a Saturday morning, sometimes you wake up with your eyes closed and just lay there for a while, partially because you can’t go to sleep again and partially because you’re too lazy? That’s pretty much what I’m doing.

The feeling of being in my bed is welcoming and assuring after that insane dream. My sheets on top of me feel pretty thin, though. Maybe my mom changed them for the new season. I roll over, and stretch out my back. When I’ve rolled over, my right arm stretches out and touches something...bushy.

I open my eyes all the way, and see my hand is in an unkempt patch of grass. Grass. And on the back of my hand is the Triforce. What?! I try to get onto my elbows, but my arms collapse and I fall back to the dirt. I hiss and my right arm grabs my left shoulder as I try to ebb away the pain that wracked my arm.

“Link, I think she’s awake.”

I immediately whip around to face whoever said that, and see a small figure sitting on my right side. They have a dark body with a paler face and stomach, and a large mask covering one, crimson eye. Her hair is fiery, and ends with tinges of light yellow. But this isn’t the first time I’ve seen her.

“M-Midna?” I whisper, barely audible. She looks up from the dandelion she blew out, and her one eye narrows in confusion.

“How do you know my name?” she asks.

I don’t have an answer for her. I try to sit up more, but she backs away from me slightly. Unexpectedly, a person crouches beside me and puts their hand on my shoulder. They begin to peel off...bandages?

I grasp the hand on my shoulder by the wrist and shove it away. But when I look up at the person, my eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

In front of me is a young man, maybe eighteen or nineteen. He has dirty blond hair, cobalt eyes, and a handsome face. But that’s not what I’m worried about. He wears a green tunic, with some dirt smudges and a matching hat that goes past his shoulders. There’s a metal shield over a sheath for a sword, with a violet hilt sticking out of the top.

“I’m sorry, but I need to change your bandages so you don’t get an infection,” he says. ”I popped in your shoulder while you were out. It’ll be sore for a while though, so try not to do any heavy lifting.”

He couldn’t be... Could he? No, it’s impossible. He can’t really be... Link?

His hand comes down again and carefully peels off some dirtied and bloodied bandages from my left shoulder, and I sit there, incapable of speech.

But wait... Link just talked. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I suppress my fan girl fit, and get serious again. This can’t be a dream, or I wouldn’t be hurt, I wouldn’t be here, and I would’ve woken up.

So, I quietly say, “Link?”

He leans back a little and looks at me. “How did you hear my name? Did Midna say it?”

Well, she did. But that’s not exactly what I was focused on. Mainly I was paying attention to the fact that, oh, I don’t know, she was in front of me and not on a screen?

Against my stiff legs, I stand up. This cycle is beginning to repeat itself; and I for one have had enough.

“Be careful. You don’t want to reopen your wounds,” he warns me kindly.

“You’re not supposed to be real,” I mutter.

He gives me a confused look. “I’m right here, aren’t I? Now please, sit down so I can redress your wounds. You don’t want to get hurt again.”

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