Chapter 15: Reminisce

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My arms thrust downward with all my strength, but I’m looking towards the night sky instead of his corpse. Even the navy expanse of the sky seems blood red as well, reminding me of the blood that will soon be soaking my front. I feel the impact of the sword slamming into something and eventually come to a stop, and a smile creeps up my face—too easy. When I glance down to take the sword out of his body, I instead growl in anger.

Fiery hair has wrapped around the blade that’s held an inch away from Link’s chest, stopping it from piercing his heart. What the hell? I snap my neck up and glare at the person who’s holding me back.

“Neri!” the imp yells, obviously exerting herself trying to stop me. “Are you out of your mind?”

Yes. I am. That’s why I’m killing him.

“Get away from me, Midna!” I yell, and grab her hair.

With a swift flick of the wrist, I tear the blade upward and slice through every lock of her hair that holds me hostage. I raise my arms again and prepare to plunge down for a second time, but this time her hair grabs my wrists and pulls them above me, forcing me to nearly hover off the ground. I struggle to pull my wrists apart, and the Goddess Sword falls from my hands when I momentarily lose my grip on the hilt. I let out a grunt of malicious intent and frustration as it clatters against the ground, and I thrash about. My toes barely scrape the ground as I’m held nearly midair.

“Why are you trying to kill Link?” Midna’s voice is strained, and she looks like she’s fighting her urge to kill me—but I’ll kill her first.

“Get out of my way!” I scream, and kick my leg out. Miraculously it smacks right under her arm and across her chest, and I feel her sharp exhale as she flies back and skids into the ground. Midna wheezes, but yelps when she sees me land on my feet as gracefully as a cat, grab the hilt of the sword and launch forward.

When I land on her, she shrieks. “LINK!”

I place my knees on her wrists, almost breaking them because of the immense pressure on her small bones. My feet step on and hold down her legs. With my left hand, I pin her whole body to the ground. I press the sword to her neck, and her yellow and red eyes widen in terror.

“LINK!” she screams desperately.

“Shut it, Midna,” I snarl.

I’ll just kill her first. She’s only in my way—like always.

“Neri, please stop,” she murmurs, and small tears begin to form in the corners of her big eyes. “Why are you doing this to us?”

I sneer. “Because I—” I pause for a moment, and my hand loosens its grip. Why am I doing this?  When I feel Midna wriggle, I harden my grip and expression and press her back against the ground. “Because I can.”

“Why would you want to?” Midna whispers. “Why would you want to hurt us, Neri?”

“So I can take the crystals. It’ll be easier. Then Ghirahim and I—”

Wait, wait, wait. Ghirahim and I? Since when? Why would I work with him? I question myself.

Well, why wouldn’t I? He’s an ally.

Whoa, no he isn’t! I control myself, nobody else—especially not Ghirahim.

“Why, Neri? Why Ghirahim?” Tears of betrayal streak down her pale cheeks.

“Shut the hell up.”

“LINK!” she screams again. My hand moves up from her tiny chest, and I roughly shove my hand over her mouth.

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