Chapter 12: Secluded

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All of us stand in Hyrule Field. 

All four of us—Link, Midna, Fi, and I. Birds mock us as they soar by, and the occasional grasshopper has the guts to sing an acapella in the silence. We all try to decipher the riddles in the poem that Zelda gave us. The parchment with the poem I jotted down sits in the middle of all of us, being interrogated to no end.

“What if we just go from the top to bottom? Earth, fire, water, and then air?” Link inputs.

“But we could just solve them all right now; and then we could go to all the places that are closest to us and travel as least as possible,” Midna suggests.

“If we choose to take that course of action,” Fi contradicts, “then there is an 84% chance that we would possibly be wasting our time by deciphering the text firstly instead of finding the crystals.”

“Everyone, just hold it.” My voice stops theirs, and hopefully the escalating argument as well. “All of your plans work, but we can’t do them all. I’d prefer just solving one at a time, so that we don’t fry our brains right here, right now—but I also want to travel as little as possible.” All of them try to compromise, seeing that I’m trying to side with everybody. “So I say we just take our chances and travel to one at a time, like Link suggested.”

They look back towards each other. No one really gets to decide, because Link and I agree on the same idea, and Fi doesn’t exactly count—she wouldn’t vote even if she was given the chance. So that leaves Midna, who has been overruled two against one. By the looks of it, they know that too.

“Ugh...fine,” Midna growls, and with her usually spunk, crosses her arms and returns to Link’s shadow.

“It would be advisable to take action as soon as you are ready, Mistress Neri.” Fi sparkles and shrinks, and hops back into the sword. Now it’s just Link and I.

“Shall we go?” Link comically holds out his hand like we are about to dance, and I fake a curtsy with my invisible dress.

“It would be my pleasure.” I take his hand and we laugh at our immaturity, and for the millionth time, start our adventure. At least we know where we’re going now, so it won’t be as rough from here on out.

“Hey Neri,” Link starts about five minutes in.

“Let me guess, you want my iPod?” I cut him off. He immediately looks guilty, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “No worries—here.”

I wrestle it out of the pocket of my skinny jeans and hand it to him. As soon as he almost starts to turn it on, he stops and I give him a quizzical look.

“Remember when we were walking to Castle Town, and I had your iPod?” Link queries, and I nod. “I pretty much listened to every song, except maybe fifty or so. How about you play some out loud for Midna?”

I see what he’s getting at, so I grin as he places it back in my palm.

“Finally!” comes the response from Link’s shadow, and Midna pops out—it’s so obvious that she was eavesdropping. He’s empathetic to let Midna listen to some after he’s heard most of them.

So I start to scroll, and land on a popular hit. Even after years of it being out, it still plays on the radio to this day. That recognizable unique beat comes on, and I start singing the intro to the Beatles’s Come Together.

“I like this song!” Midna laughs, and swipes it from my hand. When she starts to try and figure it out, Link grabs it back.

“Don’t take stuff without asking.” He drops it back in my hands, and Midna pouts. “Anyway, shouldn’t we start to look at the riddles?”

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