Chapter 18: Sinking

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The sun's bright rays seep through my eyelids and wake me from my peaceful, nightmare-less, and thunder-lacking sleep. The faded yellow and blue tones paint the sky, which is a beautiful sight that most people don't know how to appreciate. Strung above me is the tarp from last night, which seems to have kept out all the rain by some miracle. Puddles form little pools that reflect the clouds around us.

Last night is something I'll never forget-the night that I possibly overcame my fear of thunder and lightning. Frantic booming and spastic flashes mean little to me now. I couldn't even see them when I was in Link's chest, and... Oh crap.

Link held me and kissed me last night. It was only on the forehead, but still-holy crap. My heart starts to pound again as I remember what happened last night. Not only that, but he gave me his hat-his hat! Wow, nice job looking like a total wimp in front of Link and Midna; not to mention Fi.

"Awake already?"

"Gah!" I muffle a shriek, and my neck swerves to Link, who appears to have taken watch again.

"How are you feeling, Neri?" he asks, the barely masked concern reflecting in his eyes.

"You mean about last night? I'm fine. Sorry you had to see that, by the way..." I add sheepishly, and rub the back of my head.

"No, it's fine. I'm just happy to see that you aren't panicking anymore." Phew, he hasn't mentioned the kiss. "But, we should probably begin our search for the Water Crystal, shouldn't we?" Link suggests. I get up from under the heavy blanket and straighten out my hoodie, then plop down next to Link and grab the riddle. I read loud and clear,

"In a place where there is no sky,

Is where the Water Crystal sank and lies."

The blanket beside us shuffles, then tiny hands tear it away. "Ugh, it's too early to be solving the next riddle."

We ignore Midna and carry on.

"So if it is the Water Crystal," Link continues, "it's probably some place with water in or around it, correct?"

"Probably. Or else it wouldn't be called the Water Crystal."

Midna stretches out her small back and stumbles to sit beside me. She rubs her eyes and leans over my lap, retorting, "The only place that has lots of water is Lake Floria. Once something sinks there, you can kiss it goodbye because you're not getting it back-unless you're a Zora. But they don't do charity."

Link runs his hands through his straw-coloured hair. Right, I'm still wearing his hat.

"Here," I take it off and hand it to him.

He nods, and murmurs, "Thanks." Once Link's managed to smooth out his hat the way he wants it, he states, "But the place where there is no sky part is confusing me. You can see the sky from anywhere, can't you?"

I stand up, and start to stretch my quads and arms. "Let's just go to Lake Floria, and figure it out once we're there."

Link and Midna agree, and we begin to pack up. After everything has been thrown away or placed in Midna's storage realm, we start walking. Sadly, it's about an eight-hour walk.

When I was in my world my family camped all the time, and we would go for a six-hour road trip sometimes, which I can sadly admit that I could barely handle. The constant silence was enough to drive me insane, and my butt always fell asleep for the last two hours, and for some reason I always got hot or got a headache; one of the two. But once I'm back home that'll seem like nothing compared to these extreme walks we've been doing. Who needs gym class when you can just live the daily life of a Hylian?

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