Chapter 4: Lively

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When streaks of sun pried through my eyelids the next morning I fling my arm out to hit my pain-in-the-neck alarm clock on instinct, and instead I slap a cold rock. I just can’t seem to get used to this crazy reality. I’m not in my bed, and I don’t know how long it’ll be until I will be.

I’m actually in Hyrule; with Link and Midna. This is officially insane—as though it wasn’t already to begin with.

I get up like a zombie and groan. Looking to my right, I see Link is poking the ashes of a fire he must have started last night. He sits on a log he pulled out of the woods beside us and Midna sits on another log parallel to Link’s. I stretch my back like a cat and peel the sheet off me, straightening my hoodie as I walk to the remains of the fire. Midna sees me, waves and smiles, and I wave back.

“Good morning,” I try to say politely. It’s really the least I can do; they saved me after all.

“Morning. Sleep well?” Link asks casually, still poking the fire.

“Mm hm.”

“That’s good. Today we won’t be doing much, maybe just restocking on food,” he tells me.

If he says we, does he mean fetching food for himself and Midna? Or himself, Midna, and I? I really hope it’s the latter.

So, despite how selfish I may sound, I mutter, “Hey, um...”

Link looks up from the fire at me with his cerulean eyes. I almost choke on my own words.

“Do you guys think that maybe I could stay with you for a while? Just because I’ve got nowhere else to go,” I tack onto the end. I don’t know about you, but if I was trekking across the globe and someone asked if they could join my escapade, I’d decline. It’s just another mouth to feed, right?

“Of course. I didn’t expect you to leave,” he says.

I smile. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem.”

We sit and watch the dying coals as they turn from an orange to a deep red, before fading to black and leeching to white ash that is carried away by the wind. Midna gets bored after we sit in silence for a few minutes, and something catches her eye. She flies off the log before trying to catch some beetle that does a flying hop whenever she gets in its range. After majority of the fiery remains have turned from a golden yellow to a red, I grab a twig off of the log that Link and I are perched on. I start to doodle aimlessly with it in the dry dirt under our feet.

When I was back in my world, I drew all the time. I know I’ve alluded to it earlier, but I have a feeling you’ve forgotten. Anyways, my friends say that I’m amazing, and that I should make graphic novels when I’m older. I understood basic body proportions at the age of nine, and could draw a realistic portrait with hard and soft lead pencils at the age of twelve. People say it’s a gift, but it had just come naturally. Even people three times my age pay me for things I’ve drawn, and sometimes placed orders. Many people would post my pictures on Facebook as soon as they received a sketch, and it would get a ton of likes and comments in minutes. It made me feel slightly embarrassed, but I knew it was out of good intentions. Drawing was my only source of self-worth. I wasn’t super athletic, I never thought of myself as being pretty like the other girls, no guys ever asked me out, and my grades are what kept me going—that and all my friends.

“Whatcha drawing there?” Link leans next to me, gazing at what I drew in the dirt.

I wasn’t even paying attention. Looking down at my own creation, I see that I have drawn a fairly detailed sketch of...Link. I immediately bend over so fast that it must have looked like I was pushed and scribble out every last line.

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