Chapter 11: Regal

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After the whole commotion regarding the bank robbery, we stepped outside and at least attempted to not be distracted—well, that rule only applied to me.

"Miss! Excuse me, Miss!" I hear a woman call. She runs toward us, with a cut on her cheek. That's the woman that was being held hostage, among the others. Coming forward, her pace slows and stops in front of me. "Thank you so much, Miss! As soon as he let me go, I ran to the police office. I would be dead without you! How can I repay you?"

"I... U-um..." I stutter sheepishly. I really don't need payment of any sort. "It's alright. I'm just happy that I could help."

She nods, and then waves as she walks away. "Thanks again!" Waving back, I see her slowly disappear and a warm fuzzy feeling grows in my stomach.

"Isn't Neri popular with the people?" Link pokes fun from beside me.

"Shut up!" I say playfully, and slap his shoulder.

"Who knows, with that attitude and bravery, you might actually be the incarnation of the Forgotten Goddess."

"I already know I am!" I raise my left hand and wave it in front of Link's face. "Isn't this proof enough?" He raises his hands defensively.

Midna snickers from her unseen place in Link's shadow. I roll my eyes and start walking again, trying not to look at anything so that I don't get sidetracked. When we first came here, I saw a man playing an accordion-like thing in the main square, which we are passing now. He has a jolly, carefree expression and looks a little elderly. Many people are also dancing with partners north of the fountain before the grand doors that lead to Hyrule Castle, merrily swinging their partners around. It looks like one of those square dances where every so often people switch positions and swap partners, like a square dance. Looks fun—too bad I can't dance for my life.

Link strides behind me leisurely, keeping his sights on me at all times to make sure I don't book it. As we almost walk past, a man comes up beside me. He taps my right shoulder, and slightly startled, I turn to him. The man looks to be in his mid-forties and has a slender build. His head is balding, but he looks content nonetheless. He bows slightly and holds out his hand.

"Care to dance, Ma'am?" he asks, motioning to the large mob dancing around the accordion man.

Link shoots me an exasperated expression from the corner of my eye. His finger slices across his neck, warning me that he's had enough.

I have a problem with saying no to people, sue me.

So I gratefully take his hand and let him lead me to the square, where everyone is dancing and twirling north of the fountain. This would really be a great moment for me to know how to dance, and I feel my heart sink in my chest a little at how much I know I'll humiliate myself.

The man pulls me in front of him with a twirl, half-scaring me to death after bringing me out of my trance. It gives me a mini heart attack, but I guess he knows what he's doing—more than what I know.

"The name's Salvador. And I apologize for stealing you from your boyfriend—he didn't seem too pleased," he says.

"O-oh, he's not my b-boyfriend," I quickly deny, my face heating up.

Over the man's should I can see the top of Midna's head poking out of Link's shadow, watching me with interest, the stone pinnacles of her mask hovering above her glowing yellow eye. A very large woman walks up to Link, prompting Midna to take cover again. I let my gaze rest on Link with a smirk, wondering what is happening. The larger woman appears to ask something of him while I attempt to read her lips; and he raises his hands. Link shakes his head and respectfully declines, but she grabs his wrist and practically drags him to the square, and I just realize what the lady asked him: "Would you like to dance?"

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