Chapter 9: Capital

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I’m running through darkness. Going nowhere, staying nowhere. I don’t know who or what I’m running from, all I know is that I’m running far, far, away. Trying to hide because he told me to.

I stop in my tracks, shaky and unsure of what’s happening. All that surrounds me is the black abyss, and I turn in all directions. How did I end up here? What is happening?

A disturbing laugh replays in my head over and over, mocking my every move. It gets louder, and then I realize that it isn’t in my head. I spin around, looking over my shoulders before sidestepping and repeating the process. The chuckles become louder, breathier, finding my attempts to find it amusing. Abruptly, a spot in front of me illuminates. In it stands two menwell, one man. The other one is on the ground coughing and wheezing. I squint to see more clearly, before realizing...

It’s Link at the hands of Ghirahim.

The same laugh travels through my ears, but this time it comes from the Demon Lord’s pale lips. He snaps his fingers, and that same accursed black long sword appears in his grip. Link’s body is bathed in cold sweat and blood smears, his tunic torn and scratches are all over his body. He has multiple bruises swimming across the gashes, all of which trickle blood.

What I’m seeing is like a stage playa sick stage play.

Link coughs again with his head down, and I see blood splatter the ground below his drooping shoulders.

“Link!” I scream, but they can’t hear me. Ghirahim grabs Link by the scruff of the neck and pulls him off the floor to meet his level; and Link’s head lolls back limply, but the familiar courageous fire burns bright in his eyes as he glares at Ghirahim.

Ghirahim sneers and brings Link’s head up again, then harshly drops him on the ground. His body just sags like an overused cloth, and he is wracked with more coughs. I hear the familiar splat, splat as blood spatters the ground.

The Demon Lord’s sneer disappears, and he raises his sword with both hands.

“Link, please get up! Fight back! Link!” I scream desperately, but he just lays there. I try running, but no matter how fast I move towards them, I never get any closer than when I began.

Sluggishly, he gets up onto his knees, but looks like just a touch could knock him over. His hand grabs for the Master Sword at his side, and the metal scratches the ground as he pulls it beside him. Before he can comprehend it, Ghirahim thrusts the long sword downward straight through Link’s abdomen. He looks up in surprise, his ocean eyes wide in pain. He coughs and blood streams from his mouth, and looks down in surprise at the sword protruding from his chest. He collapses on his front in a pool of crimson.

All that is heard is my deafening scream, echoing through the nothingness.

“Neri! Neri!”

My eyes snap open, and I take a deep breath like never before. Link is shaking me, his eyes full of worry. I see his mouth moving, saying my name—Neri, Neri—but I don’t hear it.

All I need to know is that Link’s alive. He doesn’t have a sword through him. I sit up with all the strength in my stomach and wrap my arms around his neck, willing myself not to bawl. Link isn’t dead, and he won’t be anytime soon. He couldn’t possibly be killed by someone as weak as Ghirahim. It’s impossible, completely impossible.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” His arms wrap around my back, and even through his leather gauntlets I can feel the warmth from his hands. Gasping, I try to get it out; though I probably sound like a dying seal.

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