Chapter 16: Compacted

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I’m running again... Through the darkness.

It can’t be this same dream again. I’m still trying to forget it. If I run faster, maybe I can escape it. Maybe... My pace gets faster, until my breathing is ragged and my face is covered in sweat. My feet make dull thuds on the ground that echo through the abyss. Could I have gone far enough? It probably can’t reach me here—hopefully.

The area in front of me lights up again, and Ghirahim and Link are illuminated in the heavenly light in the midst of the hellish place. No, no, please!

“Link!” I scream, but he lays on his side like before. I want to look away, I want to run away, but I can’t. I have to help him. “Link, you can’t be defeated by him! You’ve lived through worse, and you’re telling me that he will be the one to kill you? Are you weak enough to be done in by Ghirahim?”

But the scene keeps unfolding. Ghirahim steadies his sword above his head, and I shield my eyes. Hylia, please, not again! I hear sputtering and the blood hitting the nonexistent floor, along with the ring of the metal hitting the target. I can’t look at it. I can’t bear to see this again.

This time all that is heard is my sobbing.

I roll over and clench my fists. He can’t be dead. My eyes open again, but this time they look at the sunrise. The sunrise? I bolt upright and look in every direction. I’m not in that horrifying dream anymore. Thank goodness.

Why does it keep coming to me? Why do I keep seeing it? Is it because I’m the reincarnation of the Goddess? No, because then that would have to mean that I just...saw the future. No, Link can’t die in the future! Especially not because of Ghirahim.

“I bid you a good morning, Mistress,” Fi says from beside me.

“Oh, uh, yeah, good morning to you too,” I stammer. Should I tell her about my dreams? Fi could probably help. Actually, never mind. It’s probably just a regular, meaningless, dream. I must be on my toes because of this whole ‘Hyrule isn’t supposed to be real’ situation I’m in. It’s probably just stress.

“Midna. Midna, wake up.” I shake Midna awake with my Triforce-marked hand, although she barely murmurs. “If you get up now, then we can listen to music later.”

She rolls over and starts to slowly rub her eyes, her small mouth widening in a yawn. “That better be a promise,” she slurs.

I chuckle, and say, “It will, don’t worry. Now, here’s another deal. You clean up the supplies, and I’ll wake up Link.” She stares at me for less than a second before she’s on her feet and making things disappear. I have a special way of waking up Link, though.

“Hey! Midna!” I call. She looks at me instead of the blanket she was hauling. “Do you have any cold water?”

Midna gets a devilish smile, immediately knowing what I’m going to do. The water appears in a bucket the size of my head, and my first thought is Oh, this will do nicely. First I take a few sips and splash some onto my cheeks and forehead, then pick up the bucket—it’s slightly heavy.

Setting the bucket by Link, I lean down to his ear and whisper, “Link, I have a surprise for you.” A goofy smile spreads across his face, like he’s been love struck. Link, love struck? Yeah, right. “Do you want your surprise?” He nods slightly, itches his nose and continues to smile like a moron. “Then... Here it is!”

I dump the whole thing on him, and he jumps upright with a yelp. Midna and I lose it and laugh our asses off, while he takes deep breathes and tries to ascertain the situation, then glares at us and twisting the edges of his tunic.

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