Chapter 7: Arrows

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Link and I walk out of the cave, with Midna in his shadow and Fi in the sheath strapped on my back. The trip out seems to take forever, but we both resent having to be faced with light after our eyes have finally adjusted to the dark. The sun beams on us and I shield my eyes and squint to look through the blinding light. Being in that cave has taken its toll.

"So now that we have conveniently found the fourth member of our party," Link says, "we have to pay Princess Zelda a visit."

As of this moment, our real quest has started.

"How long will it take to reach Castle Town?" I ask, not really wanting to walk more than needed.

"Maybe a week. It'll be a while," he says, not looking too ecstatic about the walking himself.

"Mistress, a report," Fi declares. Her melodic voice sounds exactly like it did in the game, which I love. I look over my shoulder at the glowing handle of the sword, and Fi turns from a speck of light to a person in front of me. "The Goddesses have also taken the liberty of removing all wounds that you or Master Link have thusly sustained. You are now in full health, so it would be the best idea to move as quickly as possible while you are unharmed."

At that moment Fi says that, I notice that neither my calf or previously dislocated shoulder sting, and my midsection has no trace or scar of being pierced. To be 110% sure, I pull up my hoodie and look at my flat belly, to see no puncture marks or wounds. I pull my hoodie back down and peer at Link, who is ever-so-casually rubbing his neck, checking for his injuries while trying not to alert me-but I'm smarter than he thinks. Anyhow, he seems to be fine.

As Fi is about to take refuge in the sword, I stop her with my command-which makes me feel more powerful than I actually am. "Fi?"

Her shining eyes look back at me and she freezes. "Yes, Mistress?"

I have a question I've been dying to ask. "I would like to ask you a question, and you must answer definitely."

Fi looks at me like she understands so far. "I will answer to the best of my ability." I take a breath. I am anxious to wait for her reply.

"What would you prefer to call me other than Mistress?" I bite my lip in anticipation to see how she answers, but Fi's eyes just reflect a knowledgeable and an unbiased mind.

"I was not created to have thoughts or opinions of my own. I am unable to answer," she answers. My eyes widen in shock, and I gawk at her.

"What if I wasn't your Mistress at all?" I ask, even though no matter how I word it her answer most likely won't change.

"Then I wouldn't be here," she answers casually, and hops back into the sword-typical.

Midna gives me a somewhat incredulous look, and I shrug it off. She probably just thinks that Fi is weird or something trivial. Link has been patiently waiting for me, so I nod to let him know I've finished. The corners of his mouth quirk in a smile, and we start off on our lengthy walk.

Maybe ten minutes into the walk, my knees start to ache. Who knew walking was so...hazardous? Like all the other times before, you can easily guess what I do. I whip out my iPod, the small little machine that can solve every problem of mine. Midna's red eyes widen and she gasps.

"Hey! Could we listen to more of your music?"

She knows that I can't say no. A small smile makes its way to my lips, and I scroll. What is another good song? I see a good one under the B section, and click on it. A droning echoes through the meadow, and then after the brief intro the lyrics begin.

Is this real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide,

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