Chapter 1: Malfunction

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Legend of Zelda series. The Legend of Zelda series is owned by Shigeru Miyamoto.


"Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear."

—John Lennon


That day was about to end like any other before. Nothing ever told me that I was about to have my life or even my fate permanently changed from that point on. How did it change, you ask; for the better or the worse? Well...that's for you to decide.

I yawn as I walk through the front door of my home, making sure to lock the door behind me. The lock clicks in response, and I let my hand slide off the knob.

But before I get any further, maybe it would be best if I introduced myself. My name is Neri, Neri Owens. I'm about seventeen and a half, and known as 'Erin' only by my close friends. Not many people know my real name but I think its better that way, even if most people still ask why I'm called Neri. I'm not exactly sure how it came along, but one of my friends in kindergarten suddenly moved the N at the end of my name to the front, and claimed my 'new name' suited me better, so I stuck with it.

Now, you wouldn't know, but there's more to me than my strange name. My indescribable, immeasurable love for swimming and water is also high on the charts. Actually, that's what I've just come back from. A Saturday filled with several long hours of swimming at the local fitness center with all my insane friends is one of the best ways to spend a weekend in my opinion. My bikini is under my hoodie, still damp and almost darkening the fabric clutched around my chest.

If I had to summarize my appearance in a short paragraph, then I'd say that I'm thin and have a moderate figure, long legs and arms, straight brown hair that curls near the ends skimming my shoulders; and I also feel like I'm inclined to say that for a senior in high school, I'm actually pretty petite. Weighing 107 lbs and standing at 5'3", well... You get the picture.

Once again, there's more to me than that. Other people distinguish me by my love for music, even though I'm not quite sure why. I typically have old rock, alternative, and hints of punk filling the eight gigabytes on my iPod.

Something I'm notorious for is my art. I can do realistic portraits, manga, a recreation of Tim Burton's cartoon sketches, anything. You name it I've done it; and if I haven't then I can always try. I sell my artwork online, and people say I should pursue being a graphic artist, graphic novelist, or something of the like as a career. I never meant for it to go that far, but after my friends saw my doodles in my sketchbook normally kept at home, they fawned over the many cracked and coloured pages before people started to crowd around the old book. I didn't get it back until third period. I guess my point is that I draw—I draw big time.

But most of all, I'm known for my love for games. Video games, to be exact. Not just any video games, either; because I'm picky. Most of what I play is comprised of the Legend of Zelda games. All my friends at school know of my love for some good old Zelda, and that I am quite the perfectionist when it comes to playing the games.

Phantom Hourglass was my first game of which I received with a golden DS Lite with the Triforce on it. Spirit Tracks came next, and I played it so much that one of the pixels in the top screen burst, effectively rendering my DS useless. We got a Wii for Christmas, and with that came Twilight Princess, my favourite game—I have finished it more than several times. Predictaby, Skyward Sword was next. It quickly became my second favourite, right behind Twilight Princess. Finally, after a year of saving up, eleven-year-old me had enough money for the newest gaming system—the Nintendo 3DS. The first game to come with that was Ocarina of Time 3D, and eventually, Majora's Mask 3D. For Christmas my best friend gave me A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS, which I enjoyed. Then for my sister's birthday we got a Wii U, and the first thing I did involved buying The Wind Waker HD, then coming back a week later to get Super Smash Bros. Wii U and a couple Amiibos; of which I trained until they were level 50s.

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