Chapter 10: Bankrupt

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That next morning, I couldn’t have felt more refreshed. I raise my arms up and arch my back and see Midna sprawled out on the floor near my feet—right where we left her. I get up slowly and rub my eyes open, before squishing my face and rubbing my eyes to rid f my sleepiness. As my physics teacher once told me, objects in motion stay in motion—but objects in rest stay in rest. The blanket fell off of me halfway through the night, and it lays in a folded heap near my feet. My feet cautiously start to move, taking me wherever they please.

As I walk past the twin bed to freshen up in the shower, I find that Link isn’t under the sheets of the bed, or on top of them. He’s not even in the room. I ignore my confusion and inability to comprehend where he could have possibly went, and figure that he’s probably just getting...stuff. Whatever that stuff may be, it clearly doesn’t involve me. Dammit, it’s too early to think. Trying not to wake up the sleeping Twili on the carpet while turning the door handle proves to be quite the task, but a bright sparkle stops me out of the corner of my eye stops me in my tracks.

I lean back around the corner and see that next to the oil lamp on the table is something wooden—something wooden with a brass handle. It practically beckons me, so I walk around the bed to it. It turns out to be a bow. A bow with twenty arrows neatly propped in a quiver that looks just like his.

Next to it is a small note on parchment, which reads:


I assume that it means me and not any other Neri, and give a quick looksee over my shoulders to make sure there’s no one else around. How thoughtful of Link to make this. At least, I’m assuming he made it. I doubt Midna or Fi could. I can see the plethora of intricate carvings and thin lines decorating the mahogany wood surface; all hand carved with swift and clean incisions. When I take the bow in my hand, it’s much lighter than I thought. The thin silver string is sturdy and tightly bound, and will require some use before it starts to give and I bulk up. It’s exactly like Link’s, except his has a silver handle and mine is brass.

A ghost of a smile haunts my face, and I can’t help but feel so overjoyed that Link went through all the work to make it for me. Part of me wonders when he ever had the time to make it between me being stabbed and becoming a wolf, finding Fi, Link being shot by poisoned arrows and now Ghirahim’s sudden return. Now that my curiosity has settled, I set the bow down next to the Goddess Sword and walk into the bathroom to see a bucket filled with steaming water and a small wash cloth folded on a towel.

Well, I guess these simple pleasures are more than enough to please me.

When I finish in the bathroom, I wrap a complimentary towel around my neck to prevent my good hoodie from getting wet and step out. As I step out while rubbing the towel against the crown of my head, I see Link sitting at the couch eating toasted baguettes with fried eggs on top. Likewise, Midna munches contentedly on a bun on the carpet. Had I really been in there that long?

“Morning,” I greet warmly. Link smiles with the baguette in his mouth, his cheeks slightly bulging. Midna just sits there in her euphoria while eating her bun. You would almost expect tears of happiness to run down her face. I shake my head and giggle, dropping the towel on the bed.

“Don’t worry. We saved you some,” Link says when he’s swallowed. He motions to some more baguettes on the table, and I plop down next to him on the loveseat to join their little meal. “It’s complimentary, so we got it for free—except the bun.” Link scowls at Midna. She obviously ignores him.

As I walk over, I see in a small mirror overhanging the bed that my hair has—changed. My blonde highlights that I used to keep near my roots have faded almost completely, reverting my hair back to its medium brown colour. “Ah!” I exclaim slightly, then lean over and vainly begin to examine my roots. Damn this world for not having shampoo for coloured hair.

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