Chapter 2: Awaken

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Lazily, my eyes open. My face is pressed against something cold, and slightly damp. Everything is blurry and fuzzy, so I’m incapable of telling where I am.

Wait a moment, I’m in my house! That’s where I passed out, duh. The furnace probably hasn’t kicked in yet, so that’s why the floor is so cold.

As soon as I manage to crack open both eyes painfully slow, a blinding migraine explodes between my eyebrows. My eyes snap shut and despite my exhaustion, my hands fly to my head, begging it not to split open. I curl into a ball, and feel the muscles in my legs cramping as waves of spasms ripple through my thighs. Just fricken great.

After approximately a quarter of an hour in a fetal position, my body begins to relax. My clammy hands loosen their grip and my eyes slowly crack open again; just how I began. The muscles encasing my rib cage stretch after being contracted, and hell, that’s painful. So through my blinding cramps, muscle spasms, and headaches—my perseverance rolls me onto my back. Baby steps, now…

For the seemingly millionth time, I open my stormy gray and gold eyes, but this time all the way.

I almost feel a smile pinch at my lips as I look into the calming gray clouds coiling above me, and the scent of pine and rain drift into my nose...

Wait, wait, wait. Pine? Rain?

Now that I’m more awake than a person who made cup of coffee with Red Bull, I bolt straight up.

It takes a few moments for the blood to return to my head, but when it does, I’m greeted with an entirely unfamiliar sight. Dark black pines and jack pines, conifers and dense mossy dead wood all surround me. The atmosphere is dimly lit by the blanketed-in-storms sun, making my surroundings seem eerily menacing.

How in the hell did I end up in a forest?

As soon as I’m about to panic, I figure that it’s probably just some crazy dream. Some crazy, seemingly real dream.

I roll over in my gray Cabela’s hoodie and pinch my right arm. Nothing happens. C’mon, that was supposed to wake me up! Seriously, this is getting freaky. I slap myself. Nothing again. I thickly swallow the lump in my throat.

Beginning to get frustrated, I push myself to my protesting legs. Alright, that’s it. I’m probably in some insane, LSD-fueled nightmare. I mean, what else could it be? But if I am going to be here any longer, I’ll be bored without music.

Wait—my iPod.

My hand flies into my jean’s butt pocket, digging out the silver device. Thank God, I almost had a heart attack. Even if it’s a dream, the thought of losing that little magic-maker scares the hell out of me. My plain white headphones are still tightly wrapped around it, so that’s even better. So now that I can’t wake up and I’ve got my iPod, I guess that the first thing I should do is probably find water. After all that swimming, my throat is parched from thirst and my mouth is dry after this...ordeal.

As my hand falls to my side, a shadow catches my eye. I lift my left hand up again, scouring it to find the shadow. I close my palm into a fist and then stretch out my slim fingers, but nothing happens. Then I rotate my wrist to the back of my left hand, and my eyes widen.

There’s an insignia on the back of my hand with three faint triangles, all together to form a larger triangle. It looks like...the Triforce. But that’s ridiculous, right? I can’t be IN a Zelda game. Albeit I’m most likely hallucinating, I excitedly show my geek side and immediately try to find the darker shaded piece.

So, what’s my gift? Power? Wisdom? Courage? Actually, none of the above. My eyes squint in confusion. Looking back at the mark, I notice that something...isn’t quite right.

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